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Friday, July 13, 2018

Keep Thinking

As you age, which you will, doctors will urge you to stay physically active.  Sound advice. But you hear to little about staying mentally active. This is just as important.
I used to work at a condo where most of the residents were senior citizens (I hate that term). I watched many, if not most of them degenerate to a sort of vegetable existence. They watched TV, walked around a little, and gossiped. That was about it. I have, at times almost lapsed into that same pattern. Well, I was never much on gossip, but I sure watched TV. Then, I noticed a certain mental fog settling in. I started reading a lot, but lost much of my vision, so that was out and the fog came back. So I started writing again. Thank God computers have a magnifier setting. The fog dissipated. Trust me, the fog is not all that pleasant.
There are so  many ways to keep mentally active/ Reading and writing, certainly, but if that is not appealing, learn something new. You don't have to take a physics or calculus course, but foreign language courses are great mental exercises. Learn chess or bridge. Take up  any craft. Even if you just go out and carefully observe the World, you are keeping that brain of yours sharp.
Meditation helps, but be careful not to overdo that. It can become an excuse to lapse into a stupor like state.
Thee are libraries and on line courses, so money is not an \issue. Join discussion groups in your area, Volunteer work is fine, If you have a skill, find people who want to learn what you know. You can help yourself while you help others.
In other words do something with that over sized brain we have besides watching TV and playing silly games on line. Your Creator gave you that big brain to be used.
Well, it's Friday. Enjoy a fun and Blessed weekend.

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