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Monday, July 23, 2018

Election Fever

Actually, I gave a touch of fever. Last week I was morning brunch and evening dinner for a swarm of mosquitoes. Later in the week, the CDC announced that, in our area, the wretched little vampires were testing positive for West Nile virus. It is not serious since I am not a toddler, pregnant or ancient  in years. Just a bit achy, dizzy and feverish and that will pass in a day or so.
However, the fever I am writing about will linger until at least November and there is no treatment or cure. We have the dreaded election fever, subtype; midterms.
The race that has my eye is quite odd. Long, long time Georgia political hack, sorry , I mean political activist, Casey Cagle is running for Governor against a supposed outsider and genuine 'good ole boy,' Brian Kemp.
Both claim support from the White House, How Cagle is managing that I am not sure since the President has openly stated his support for Kemp and VP Pence just came and campaigned for him .I believe that the President said something like Cagle is better that a Democrat, which is at best a left handed compliment. Remember, this is only a primary run off and old pros like Cagle are spinning the facts like a top in the hands of a 4 year old on a sugar rush. If course, those in the Peach State know Cagle's record, or lack there of. He has been serving as Lt. Governor for our current and outgoing Governor Nathan Deal, know in Georgia as Nathan "Let's Make a' Deal
Deal has not been a whirlwind of ambition, so Cagle has had an easy gig.
I know nothing about Kemp except that he seems like a true Southern boy. Is he? I don't really know, but he has the act down perfect. I do know that the old time political hacks are dead against him. so I will pulling for him.
So, early in the madness we call our elections, we have an controversy and flim flam and things are just getting started. Like whatever little bug I have caught the only thing to do us let it run its course. My virus will last 2 or 3 mire days. The elections, 4 more months. I would rather have the virus.
Ps; I was 1 for 2 in my predictions. Tiger Woods did not win the Open. I got that one. However, my pick, Martin Kaymer, did not even ,make the cut. Qin some lose some. At least I placed no bets

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