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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Take the High Road

As we go through the insanity that is this modern World, we are confronted with rudeness, violence, and depravity. Those have always been a part of the human condition and I suppose they will continue to be with us for long years to come.
It is so easy to fall into such traps, or so it seems. Actually, it is quite difficult. You tax your soul, your spirit, to the breaking point. Yes, there are people who behave horribly, and, sometimes, they are successful. Often, their lives descend into chaos and misery. Even if they retain their surface worldly success, they suffer in their personal lives. True, sometimes they wind up with people who are as mentally ill as they are, and yes, horrible behavior is a mental illness, they will pay retribution when they leave this life. Make no mistake. We do have immortal souls and they do pay for past mistakes, unless we repent and do penance.
I am not preaching a sermon, just stating facts about how the Creation works. If you don't like that, too bad. I certainly have not lived a saintly life, far from it. I have repented, which simply means to have a change of heart, and I have done penance. I still make a lot of mistakes, but I try to correct them quickly.
Part of our problem stems fro our constant bombardment, by the media, with depraved images of sexuality, violence, greed and decadence. They should remember the words of Jesus, " Woe unto you who lead these children astray. It would be better if you had a millstone tied to your neck and were cast into the seal. He was not one to mince words.
We all need to learn to tune out the garbage we are being fed. If you find certain presentations titillating, but uncomfortable, you need to get away from them. This does not mean banning content, censoring. That never works. Nor does it mean that you can only view Sesame Street and read Mother Goose. There are many programs, books, movies and pieces of music that can hold the interest of grown ups without boring them silly. Also, beware the news. Sometimes they are far too graphically violent.
You cannot, and should not, try to control the World. The Creator grants freedom to the Creation. But, you can choose what you allow to penetrate your consciousness and how you react to the input.  Always, take the high road. Rise above the disease. It's not that hard. Have a very Blessed day. 

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