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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Things Must Change

I tend to be conservative, but I am not against change. Our Creator built change into the Universe. I do reserve the right to decide which changes I think are good, but guess what? Sometimes, I'm wrong. More to the point, It often does not matter what I think.
For example, humans continue to evolve. If you  don't believe in evolution, don't bother reading my blogs. Now, I like the way we are, warm, hairy, sweaty, half crazy? I love it, We're fun. But, we are changing. How?
We might have more of an idea if scientists would stop trying to manipulate genes and learn how they work. We really know little of just how DNA does its work. We really don't   know what that work is. Not completely. But we are evolving and we now know, from fossil records, that evolution happens in spurts. It's called punctuated equilibrium and is often brought on by cataclysmic events  Well, extreme climate change, which is very real, qualifies. Tack on extreme seismic activity and you have some real stress. Look for change  and look for it to be quick.
We cannot know what will happen to humans, but change we will. All we can do is roll with it and try to retain our best traits, love kindness, curiosity and humor. Remember the title of an old Porno for Pyros song, We'll Make Good Pets.

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