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Thursday, May 3, 2018

When Did We All Become Enemies

I truly believe that the USA has not been this divided since the Civil War. It is quite extraordinary. I lived through the 60s and, yes, that was bad, but the real hardcore hatred was actually quite limited, confined to a small group of radical leftists and a few extreme right wingers. Folks squabbled over the war, the sexual revolution. civil rights and drugs, but, mostly, there was at least a sense that we were all Americans. Most people condemned extremism of all sorts and, after much angst  things settled down  in a sort of middle ground. The whole thing was a kind of family quarrel, albeit a nasty one.
Now, well, it is much different. I have never seen such venom.  Congressional leaders have no intention of compromising on anything. Insults have replaced dialogue, on all sides, although the Democrats are the most guilty by far.
The non religious now openly mock believers and believers seem determined to take full control of the Nation as part of some fear reaction. The Churches are scared of scientific thought and scientists seem ready to push the left into complete acceptance of their world view, which seems to be a weird kind if neo-pagan secularism. What they plan fir those who don't accept their every word is not pleasant to contemplate. No one seems interested in the simple fact that throughout history, science and spirituality walked hand in hand.
Women seem to have come to think of men as their enemy and men seem to not really have a clue what is going on. Just wait. Such tension will nit end well.
Kids, left alone with huge amounts of electronics have decided that picking on kids they dislike is a fine pastime and have done much damage. In the recent past, psychologists noted that kids who pick on and torment animals tend to grow up to be at least a bit psychopathic. Spending the days of your youth tormenting your peers cannot be good, but there it is.
We no longer talk, we scream, we argue and we mindlessly complain. The  left, mostly confined to the West Coast and the NE, by all standards think of the rest of America as a bunch of simple minded bigots and those folks are sorely fed up by that condescending attitude.
I have no idea how this will turn out, but I do know that it cannot go on much  Either we learn to talk, reason and show respect to those we disagree with, or it will end badly.

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