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Wednesday, May 23, 2018


How do we solve America's problems? It all starts with 1 word. Respect.  Nothing will change until we learn to respect ourselves and others.
People do not respect themselves. If you do,  you will behave sensibly, Work to improve your life. Get yourself in good physical shape. You don't have to be a gym rat or a vegan. You don't have to shovel down vitamins by the handful or totally abstain from alcohol. Just use some sense. Stay active, physically and mentally. If you are misbehaving, you know it and the only real way to stop, is to stop. Folks can and will help you, but you must do the stopping yourself.
Respect others by looking at them and looking at yourself. Then,  compare the two. What you see in the other person, will be  a reflection of your own behavior. I know no  saints. I certainly do not qualify. Who are you to judge? Criminal behavior must be stopped, but you do not then throw the criminal on the trash pile. They are still human and they can still change, just like you. True psychopaths, despite what you might believe if you watch Law and Order, are very rare.
Men, respect women. They are not your play toys. Women, respect men. Do not immediately assume that any man who flirts with you is a mad rapist. Most men just have trouble understanding women and most women don't really understand men. The fun part of the game is figuring each other out, so stop being so touchy. At the same time, don't take real abuse, not for 1 minute.
Labels. liberal, conservative, left, right, Christian, Jew, Moslem, even young and old, are just labels and can never describe the whole person. They can, howevr, be used by advertisers, politcians and the media  to manipulate the public  and they do so very effectuvely. Recognize thus and stop paying attention to this dangerous nonsense.
When facing disagreement, discuss the issue using reason and fact and listen to the other side. Almost always they have valid points. Then, be ready, in most cases, to comptomise. The middle ground is usually where the best solution kies.
Respect is the first step towaed solving our priblems. Either that, or we keep on without accomplishing anything.

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