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Thursday, May 24, 2018

The Federal Government

Any sane person will agree that the Federal Government is bloated and nearly useless. The Founding Fathers meant America to be a loose confederation of states. The Federal Government was given the right to oversee interstate commerce, so silly trade wars between the states would be kept minimal and the right to conduct international affairs, It has grown into a monster and seized absurd power. Some love this and wish it to grow larger. This would create a National Socialist state and, yes, the Nazis were just that.
The answer? In this election year. vote for anyone who wants to shrink the Federal grip. Certainly, some of these conservatives are a bit over the top, but when the Federal Government shrinks, they will find themselves with little power and the inability to carry out their wackier plans.
That will leave a power vacuum which will. if sane heads prevail,  be filled by state and local governments. This is how it was intended. The States have different needs. Florida has much different problems than Montana. Even here in Georgia, Brunswick, on the SE Coast, has many different issues than Atlanta. Keep power close to home and keep you tax money close to home. The Federal Government should balance their budget, defend the Country from direct foreign attack, settle the rare interstate commerce issues and stay out of our lives.
This election year, vote to shrink the Federal monster and return power, and your tax money, to lacal authorities, where they belong. Keep everything close to home.

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