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Thursday, May 10, 2018

Arrogance that Never Sleeps

 \I mentioned John Kerry the other day, something I had hoped to never do, but, alas, duty calls. Old John, along with good old Barak Obama negotiated the absolute worst deal the Us has ever made, the Iran nuclear deal. Remember, we gave them an enormous sum of cash and they promised to be nice. Folks, this was  worse deal than NAFTA and that was dreadful.
President Trump is well on the way to dumping the whole deal  but, lo and behold, there in the background is Kerry, trying to keep the deal alive This is an all time high when it comes to arrogance. I mean, this even tops Hillary's ' deplorable' comment. Luckily, Old John has been talking, it seems, to some high placed Iranians and never bothered to register as a foreign agent. Well, this is what they went after Manafort for, so lets see of anyone goes after Kerry. These people make me ill
PS Since writing this, Trump did pull out of the Iran deal. Also, hats off to them for getting rgosw folks out of N. Kprea.

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