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Tuesday, May 15, 2018


I am not sure why Jerusalem is considered the hub of spirituality. The Bible? Any competent historian can attest to the fact that the Bible is nit historically accurate, Not even close. Christian texts and the Koran, being based around the Old Testament are equally unreliable, and that is being kind. All are based around the idea a that the Creator likes either the Jews, the Moslems, or the Christians best. This is a childish mentality and it should have died out years ago
But humans remain childish and, as a result of Trump's insistence on moving our embassy to what was a backwater town until David settled his little Kingdom there, people are being killed and injured at a frantic rate. I have praised the President over many of his actions, but this was a bad move.
The people of the Gaza strip live in nightmarish conditions, vastly overcrowded, impoverished, and with no hope of improvement. If you are sitting near an open gas can, you don't start tossing lit matches at it, yet that is what Trump has done.
The USA gains nothing by this. Trust me, all this talk of Israel is just talk. When push comes to shove, they will always play both sides against the middle to get what they want. History, if you are not too lazy or stuck in your World view to do some research, bears this out. No, I am definitely not anti Semitic. May I remind everyone that the people of Gaza are Semites. Nor am I anti Jewish. I really could not care any less about such nonsense. Religion and ethnicity mean nothing to me.
I do care about peace and progress.. Touching off further hostilities in the Mid East contributes to neither.

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