I have Stories to Tell and Books on Amazon

Please, in the left column, click on Books on Amazon and check out the books I have written. I am sure you will enjoy them.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Now a Word From Our Sponsor

That sponsor would be me, I seldom mention anything personal on this blog but I am proud to announce that I gave published several books on Amazon Kindle  with more to come. I will mention them, here and there. in brief. First, Stress Free Cooking, written with my long tome friend, Debra Weiner. This is not a recipe book, although many; are included The first part of the book goes over, equipment, safety in the kitchen, and the basic types of food and how to handle them, with an emphasis on low cost and little work/
The second part show how to think about food creatively so you won't get into ruts, fixing the same recipes time and time again. We show you how to loosen up, experiment and have fun.
See, now, that little commercial was painless and I promise I won't do it often. Buy the book. It's on Amazon Kindle in ebook form You will find it  useful and  will enjoy it.
Now, back to our usual program.

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