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Saturday, May 5, 2018

Saterday Blues

You know how it is. You wake up on Saturday, ready for weekend fun, and you  make the mistake of turning on the news. The pollution rate has earned a 'dangerous' label, the pollen count is outrageous, and it's going to rain. Okay, well why not? But, you decide, that will not ruin your day.
Then you listen to the local news. As usual, there are the shootings and robberies, etc., but that is more of the same, so you shrug that off.
Then, the National news, and things take a downturn. We still have a bunch of obnoxious migrants trying to cross the border. Why are we still dealing with them. Send them away  . Make it clear that they are not coming in. Next we have John Kerry sticking his nose in the Trump Administration's
 efforts to redo the Iran nuclear deal. You know, the really bad deal he and Obama made. Then, we seem to have a dueling rappers scenario developing between Jay-Z and Kanye West over West's support of Trump. Who cares what either of these no talent people think. Both should just count their blessings that they have grown rich by doing absolutely nothing of value and importance.
There that's better. I got my ranting out of the way. Now I can get on with a nice Saturday. You do the same. Have a great weekend..

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