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Monday, May 21, 2018

Where are American Workers?

I am a tad cranky this morning so let me be brief. What is going on with America's workers?
\A report last week showed 6 million jobs in the USA going unfilled because we lack qualified workers. 6 million. What is wrong that we cannot find good, qualified people to fill these positions?
For one thing, schools seem to have quit teaching kids to read, write and do math. Thought seems to have fallen out of favor and the ever increasing minimum wage has stifled ambition. I guess if you make $15 per hour you have no reason to better your position. That may seem correct when you are 16, but trust me. that will get old. Low pay jobs are entry level, a way of getting your feet wet as a worker and a way to pay the bills while you find a way to move up.
How do you move up? Education and training.
Most of the jobs that are unfilled are STEM jobs. Science, technology, engineering and math and yes, they require education. If you are in school and have talent in these areas, stay there and do the work. If you are out of school and can get the money, there are night classes at community colleges and accredited  (don't get scammed) on line schools. Do the work,, get the degree or certification and get a good jib, It is that simple.
No interest in school? No problem because many other jobs are available and unfilled in the trades. There is a huge demand for plumbers, carpenters, electricians, mechanics,, welders and heavy equipment operators and there are plenty of training programs that cost very little. Some even pay as you learn. Yes, they require some hard work but you will always have a job and the pay is very, very good.
Say that you just don't have tine? Nonsense. Just give up a football game on TV here and there and a few nights out and you will have tons of time. Boy, will you be happy when you are making enough money to have some fun, comfortably raise a family and put aside some money for your old age. Too tired? It is amazing how a nice pay check makes the fatigue disappear.
So, Americans get busy. Or just finally admit that we have grown lazy and stupid . Don't worry. There are many folks in other Nations that will jump at the chance to cone gere and take those fine jibs. Who knows? Maybe you like saying, " want fries with that?"

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