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Monday, May 14, 2018

What is being Hidden?

Something odd is happening. I have no idea what, but some odd thing is being hidden.
The news is weird. Nothing of import comes out. Just the same old thing, day after day, but there is an incredible tension in the air. Trump's legal woes, possible peace in Korea, the start of the mid-term elections are all issues, bit the fact that they are all that is talked about on the news is a sign that something else is afoot. The way that these issues are pushed and the entire rest of the World pushed aside means that something big is being buried.
Add to that the now steady stream of multiple shootings.  Here in N. Georgia we wake up each morning to tales of folks rinning amoj and shooting up homes, bars and the streets and I am given to understand that this is going in all over the Nation. The economy gas picked up, but still, people are working multiple jobs to get by and, face it, prices are rising.
The big news today is the we have moved our embassy is Israel to Jerusaem. Why do I care? This does not affect my life one iota. I am neither for or against it, but it is being hailed as the greatest diplomatic triumph since  the end of WW2..
Stage magicians perform their craft by misdirecting your attention. That is what is happening now.
So, what is happening? One of 2 things. The impending blow up of Kilauea is one possibility. It, now that it is more than just pretty streams of red rock flowing, is a possible alert to the fact that the Earth's crust is now very unsteady. Major earthquake and volcanic activity are not something anyone is ready to deal with and I am sure that Government agencies have some clue about  what is happening. But, they are conspicuously silent.
Another contender is the constant Mid-East problem. The populations of both Iran and Saudi Arabia are about fed up with their rulers and thise 2 significant powers are fighting proci wars in Syria and Yemen and, like idiots, the USA and Rissia gave taken sides and, of course, Israel is using all of this as an excuse to start lobbing missiles into Iran's bases in Syria. The whole region is set to blow and no one will win, Still, we hear little detail about this. Oh, we hear of minor victories and heart warming tales of heroism. but little of what is really going on
Other possibilities? Sure. We here few detailed reports about the wide spread and deplorable human trafficking problem. Fentanyl is being distributed in vast quantities and placed in a variety of goods, causing death to many who would not think if touching any drug. How about the ties of the NXIVM cult to those financing and participating in the highest level if politics and business in thus Nation. Don't hear news about any of that.
Folks, we are being played by the media and their puppet masters. Something huge is about to hit the fan. Be ready to duck.

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