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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Rainy Day

'Rainy day, dream away. Let the Sun take a holiday. Let it drain your worries away. Lay back and dream on a rainy day'. Jimi Hendrix from Electric Ladyland
Ah, Memorial Day is here. A 3 day weekend and, if the Sun is shining where you are, that means fun and games, friends and family. Baseball, golf, tennis, swimming, hunting fishing. Meats will be grilled and grown ups will join kids and dogs in joyous revelry. Have fun.,
However, if you  are in Florida, Alabama, and Georgia, you are awaiting the arrival of Tropical Storm Alberto. This will not be dangerous, unless you are dumb enough to go driving around in it. But, it will be annoying, if you let it get to you.
There is no reason for upset. You still have time off and the TV will have an abundance of movies and games. There is music to hear and books to read (remember, I have books on sale on Amazon. Sorry, I couldn't resist a quick commercial). So what if you can't grill outdoors; you can still fix great meals in your kitchen and sooth your nerves with an extra bite or two (it's a holiday. you have permission to go off your diet for the weekend).
Most important of all is the opportunity to spend more time with family and friends. So relax. Don't let the rain get you down. Put your feet up and if you doze a little, that's just fine. Lay back and dream on a rainy day.

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