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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Lunacy oif Regulations

I have come to understand how idiotic most Government regulations are. Here is how I learned. A close friend recently moved. She is blind and ran into a strange issue. No problem changing address with Social Security or the Bank. The problem is with ATT. She has a pen number she uses with customer service but. to change address, she has to receive a new pen number which must be sent by text message.  She, for the obvious reason cannot read that and I , having visual problems of my own cannot help. They told her to ' just get anyone to read it' which kind of defeats the whole security angle. She has spent hours with reps, who have tried in vain to get around this.. Finally, she was told that this whole security code thing is at the insistence of the Federal Government. Now whu they need more security on a phone account than Social Security is beyond me , but the whole thing seemingly has to do with keeping track of where people are in this era of security paranoia. Either that or the phone rep just thought it a good way to stop the discussion. Personally. I can fully believe that the Feds would come up with something this foolish.
Do we need some regulations? Sure, to keep people from dumping toxic waste in rivers or guzzling a gallon of liquor and taking their Ferrari out for a spin. But most regulations are wasteful and stupid. Not just the one my friend ran into but many others like nutritional labels on candy bars and Happy Meals.Scrap all but the obvious ones and the Nation will run a lot smoother
By the way, my friend now has to waste cab fare, money she really doesn't need to waste, and go to an ATT store and get them to change her address there. It took 3 minutes with bank, maybe 5 with Social Security and will take over an hour at the ATT store.

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