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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Another Warning - The Weather

I seem to be on an alarmist trend here and I promise I'll stop, but this is important.
Right now, in N. Georgia, we are getting a lot of rain. This  is from a low pressure center off Florida, being blown in by a high in the Atlantic.
No big deal. We need the rain to get rid of all the pollen. I feel like I have trees growing in my head.But, think of the timing. This is mid-May. These fronts should not be doing this.  Tropical storm season does not start until June and there is rarely activity until September. If this low had developed a month or so from now, it would have been tropical in nature. Even now, it showed circulation.
Such things are not unheard of and most years, I would not think twice about it
But, this is not most years. Last year, the USA was hit by 4 hurricanes, 3 of the Category 4. This is unheard of. There is, despite what Trump and others say, climate change. Not necessarily warming, but intensifying. The cold spells are colder and the hot spells are hotter and no one can even begin to explain. Don't believe me? France just had a blizzard. In mid-May.
Here, in Atlanta, the temperatures have been running about 10 degrees above normal. Hot land means that soon the ocean will get toasty. Ocean heat feed low pressure zones and creates hurricanes. More heat, more storm.
Maybe we will not have any storms this year, but don't bet on it. If you live near the coast, Atlantic or Gulf, be smart. Pay attention. Go now, not later and lay in emergency supplies, canned and dry food, bottled, water. batteries, a radio, an electric lantern, a portable gas stove ( look in camping supplies) . The usual stuff. If you own a home and can afford it, get a generator and cans to store gas ( don't fill them until a storm nears and have a safe place to store them). I hope you will not need them.
If you think I am exaggerating, sorry. Growing up in S. Florida and spending 50 years there and then loving in SE Georgia for 5 uears means that I have been through 10 tropical storms and 6 hurricanes. They are dangerous and make a total mess out of things and, often it takes weeks to get back to normal. Use some sense, be ready and things go a whole lot smoother.
There. No more preachy warnings for awhile. I promise.

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