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Monday, April 30, 2018

A Return to the Rational

There has been a continuing effort in this Nation to leave the rational behind. You see it in the entertainment industry which has long been the propaganda arm of those who want to  control America and end freedom. Concerts, award shows and businesses now sport logos that would have been familiar to Medieval alchemists and ancient religions. The goal seems to be a return to ancient paganism and the mindless are caught up in thoughts of magic and powers. This content spills ove r into movie and TV content.
Harmless and gaudy fun? No, not really. The symbols flashed around are representative of a dark world. Read history. The ancient world of the old gods and goddesses was a horribly violent and bloody place, an irrational world where people spent time and lives trying to appease and manipulate the spirits. It did not work. Disease and famine mixed with bloody senseless battles to make a fairly hellish world.
The symbols being shown in these modern times have power. Images of Santa and the Easter Bunny bring smiles and the flag evokes pride. Dark symbols of ancient spirits that would scare the hell out of Cthulu evoke darkness. Are those spirits real? It almost doesn't matter. They get in the mind and spread like  a virus. especially on any with mental issues. Don't believe me? Look at the incredible rise in mass murders and human trafficking
Slowly, this changed. The Greeks, Romans and Early Church began to notice the patterns of Nature and began to understand that God had created a World that ran by rational laws. We still do not really understand all of those laws, but we make progress and now live in a World that has less disease, less hunger and far more comfort and security than at any time in the past. We are the product of the judeo Christuan ethical system, that is true, but we are also the product of Greco-Roman logic and the Age of Enlightenment, The Age of Reason, and a return to Darkness would be insane. The Greeks, Romans and Jews loathed witchcraft and sorcery with good reasin. Americans, think,

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