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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

A Warning - Do Not Put Unknown Substances in Your Bodu

"There's a killer on the road' The Doors, Riders on the Storm
In theory, I have little problem with drug use. It's your mind and your body. Use some sense and I don't judge. I drink coffee and some alcohol and smoke tobacco. All are powerful drugs and, logically I have no right to judge a weed smoker and the last thing opiate addicts need is judgment.
But, I feel compelled to issue a warning. There are killers on the road. The World today is very sophisticated, chemically. Many, synthetic versions of out old drug favorites abound and they all are to be avoided like the plague. Synthetic THC, synthetic opiates and synthetic hallucinogens, along with odd variations on speed are overly powerful. The human body and mind will only stand so much
Drug dealers are not usually of the highest moral character. Even in the  late 60s, they were cutting acid with all kinds of weird stuff, Now, there are more kinds of weird stuff around. Why they do this is an interesting question, since they were making unreal profits from the real thing. That seems the way it always goes. Sell decent prduct that is relatively safe, then start mixing in highly toxic materials. Why kill off your customers? Well, there are those who say that the whole thing is a plot to cripple the Nation. I know, it sounds like something you would hear on Alex Jones or an old X Files episode, but, well. who knows? There is much in this Country that makes little sense unless someone very powerful is pulling the strings. But, again, who knows?
Whatever the case, do not, ever, put anything in your body if you are not 100%  completely sure what it is.  That means that unless you buy it at a drug, liquor, or grocery store, stay away. I guess if you make it or grow it yourself, that would work, but then you are in for a  world of legal problems. So, if you want to get a buzz, stick to wine or beer. Take the power and money away from the 'killer on the road.'

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