I have Stories to Tell and Books on Amazon

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Friday, May 25, 2018

Another Word From Our Sponsor

I mentioned a few days ago, that I have books for sale on Amazon/Kindle. I would like to mention 2 more.
First, The One, by John Wright and Debra Weiner.
We were discussing the Gospels one day (yes, we do talk occasionally about such things) and decided that it was a shame that there were so many gaps in the story, not surprising since the 4 books disagree wildly. So, we wrote our own version. Is ours true? Remember, when Pilate asked Jesus, 'what is truth?' he got no answer and we won't answer either. This version is as likely as any other. We now know that in the early days of the Church, many Gospels were written and all but the 4 were repressed. Which are true? Maybe ours. You will have to read the book and decide for yourselves. Whether you believe it or not, it is a great adventure, the greatest any man ever had.
Second, is another book dealing with truth, The Agent by John Wright (a solo effort).
I am sure that anyone reading my blog has read some of the many conspiracy blogs on line. I seldom go deeply into conspiracies because it is so hard to get any real evidence and speculation can easily get out of hand. But, there is some proof, including their own files and reluctant admissions, that from about 1945 through the mid 70s, the CIA was involved in some very weird activities. Now, what if an Agent, who was involved in all this wacky weirdness, up to his eye balls involved, decided, as a very old man, to write a tell all memoir. The Agent just might be his story. Is it true? He says it is, it may be, but such agents have been known to lie. You will have to read the story and decide. I promise that whether you believe it or not, this is a wild and entertaining story of this Nation's wildest and strangest era.

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