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Friday, May 18, 2018

The Royal Nonsense

This weekend is the Royal Wedding and millions around the World will be watching. I will not. The whole idea of royalty is absurd and offensive.
The royal family is just a bunch of people That's all they are not especially bright or gifted. create nothing and the very thought of making such a fuss over them is nauseating. They have, over the centuries, drained unthinkable wealth from their own people and even more from other countries.
Yet here we are, in the 21st Century ready and eager to waste a good chunk of our Saturday watching the Prince get married. Yes, I know, it will be spectacular,  but isn't there something in your life that you can celebrate, something that has meaning to you. Must we get our pleasure by watching a bunch of silly rich folks having a wedding.
What is wrong with people that makes them cling to a barbaric notion like royalty? You, any of you are as important as any King or Queen or Prince. I take that back/ you are more important. You work and raise kids. The Royal Family should be honoring you.

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