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Thursday, May 10, 2018

Arrofance and the Health Issue

 I touched on John Kerry's extreme arrogance the other day and it started me thinking about another example of arrogance, that of the health industry. The whole lot, doctors, hospitals, drug companies, alternative medicine practitioners/ Anyone who can think will notice that all bodies are different and function differently
My sister could eat monstrous meals and not gain an ounce while her husband could eat 1 chip and put on pounds. I have known folks who could drink beer all day and never get fat and, seemingly never get drunk   I have known old ladies who smoked 3 packs a day and lived to be 96 and health food enthusiast who worked out 3 times a day die of cancer at 40.  My Dad's Mom ate fatty, salty food every day and loved to be 90 and even then, and accident, not her health, killed her.
I will pay attention to the Medical community when they can explain such things to me. In the ,
meantime. I just use common sense, do what I want, and never worry. That works just fine

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