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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Here Comes That Rainy Day Feeling Again

Well, It's that time in the Summer again. Rain, and that is a blessing. It has been so hoy and dry the last few days. Walk outside and you feel your skin parch. That hot and dry.
I don't understand why folks get so upset by rain. Few of us are farmers in danger of losing a day in the fields. Construction workers will make the time up. Those who work inside should have no reason to complain at all. If you get wet going to and from your car, so be it. You will not melt.
Maybe you can't play gold or a ballgame gets rained out. That hardly rates as pain and suffering. Yet, folks get edgy and impatient and irritable when storms drift in. If course they get the same way when it is hot and dry.
We seem to lack a connection to Natural World. We have lost that and somehow think that the creation is there simply for our convenience. Your personal comfort is not the purpose of Creation.
No rain. no food. Too much rain, no food. No plants, no trees, no clean water and no you. Everything is in a balance, nit static, but dynamic.  Learn to roll with the ebb and flow of Nature.
Soon it will be cold again and everyone who complained about Summer's heat will be complaining about Winter's cold. In the beautiful balance of Spring, we complain about pollen allergies and in the crisp balance of fall, we gripe about having to rake up the lovely fallen leaves.
I really think that complaints about the ever changing climates is a mask for another complaint. Uncertainty. Nothing stops, nothing stands still and it seems that nothing, not even the Earth we live on is constant. That is exactly the lesson we all need to learn WE ourselves are in a constant flux and we only bring ourselves and others misery when we try to hold tight to what is passing. The only answer is to embrace change and revel in the constant process of fading and renewal. In short, learn to roll with it.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Things Change

In soldiers stance, I aim my hand, at the mongrel dogs who teach.
Fearing not that I'd become my enemy, in the moment that I preach.
Good and bad, I define those words, so clear, no doubt somehow.
But I was so much older then. I'm youner that that now
As I, and many others have written, things change. The only thing constant in the physical Universe is that nothing is constant. If you cannot grasp that, then I have little to say to you except good luck.
This blog is going to change. The title will remain, mostly because it gives me an excuse to show those great pictures of eagles, but the tone and content will be  different.
I and just tired of writing about politics and economics. I never did like those topics and I am sick of them . If you are young and working, you should be diligent in dealing with those topics. Me? I am getting older and my interests lie elsewhere. Where?
Glad you asked. I have fallen in love again with the Natural world, I am fascinated by the diversity if cultures and how that diversity  masks common threads. I am fascinated by the arts and crafts and foods of this grandly diverse World.
I am especially intrigued by point where those bits of the World meet, for U am convinced that that nexus is the essence of our consciousness and, thus, our connection to the Divine.
Does that make sense to you? Well, it does not quite make sense to me and I am going to try to figure that out. Tune in. It should be a wild and fascinating ride.
When something monumental happens in the World, of course I'll throw in a brief comment, but always with the intention of linking it to the deeper aspects of life.
So, no more rants. No more snarky criticisms and sarcastic analysis. No more nasty tirades launched against those I dislike.
Wow, I feel better already. Younger, too.

Friday, July 27, 2018

California's Burning

Once again, California is burning. It has become an annual event, much like tropical weather in the Gulf of Mexico and the SE Atlantic coast. It is almost business as usual. In saying that, I am not making light of a horrible issue. I have a serious point to make.
California, Texas along the Gulf, and the SE Atlantic coast are heavily populated and folks are moving there all the time. Understandable since these are generally nice places to live.  But, rapid growth causes rapid change, In California, people now live where the fires rage and, in addition to their sheer and obvious danger, they clear land. There is still plenty to burn plus, when the fires die down, there is nothing left to hold the soil. The rains come and the mud slides start. If you want to see the ultimate end of the process, look at Haiti. Frequent mud slides there have made a once naturally attractive land  resemble a slimy mud pit., barely livable and incapable of sustaining food growth.
In tropical storm areas, they used to greatly restrict building along the shore. I
know this because I grew up in Florida in the 1950s. Then, building right on the beach was allowed. In other areas, building became acceptable on the barrier islands and wetlands, which once helped ease flooding and wind damage, were destroyed. In addition, the climate started changing (yes that is true, we just don't know what or the exact outcome) Now. storms sweep in. through the areas that used to absorb the worst weather and most of the flooding.
After the disasters, folks rebuild, and that is my issue. Insurance companies get little sympathy from me, but they really are being hit hard,. so, the Governments, State and Federal, take up the slack. But, they, and the tax payers supporting them, cannot keep rebuilding, year after year,
 My answer. It may sound hard but, to those who want to keep living in places that do not want people there anymore, good luck to you. Expect no more assistance and no more sympathy. You have made your beds and if you will not wake up and face reality, well. maybe you have enough money to rebuild year after year.
We cannot do every thing we want. Large numbers of people cannot live in certain places and conditions change, What worked 15 years ago, ,may not work now. That is the way things are and we, as humans must grow up. It will take long years for these areas to heal. Go elsewhere, Your life does not have to be lived in the mountains or at in the shore.                                 

Thursday, July 26, 2018

You Matter

We live in a culture that loves the big time spectacles, the rich and famous, or even the infamous. In such climates, it is easy to let yourself fall through the cracks, to feel small and unimportant,. It can become almost comforting to shrink into the shadows.
 Well, guess what? That is all an illusion. All the glitz and glamour is of no importance. In fact, the oldest meaning if 'glamour' means a false face. It is a term used in Western occultism, in Crowleyan magick. There is nothing behind the mask and it's only power us the importance we place on the illusions..
Look at wealth. We live in a culture that values something called 'money.' In the old days, it took the form of precious metals. We all agreed that they were worth  some amount and did trade with chunks of minerals. This was inconvenient, so we gave paper notes that were worth certain agreed on amounts, and called this cash. It could be exchanged for the chunks of minerals. That was too unwieldy, even the paper notes, to carry around, so we developed paper that was worth whatever amount we wrote in, checks. That, became too slow, so, with the rise of electronics, we started exchanging electronic binary codes with set values. In short, money used to be actual, valued substances. Now it is electronic data. It is only worth what we say it is, It has the power we give it, This is the essence of 'glamour' and it is nothing but 'magick.,' illusion.
To function in this World, we all have to play the game ('he without the mark of the beast could not buy or sell' Revelation). Okay, things are what they are. But, to place real value on wealth and be obsessed with those who have it, is a deep mistake.
The wealthy, the famous, the 'glamorous' are just people. Like you and me, they live, they grow old and they die and, in time, they fade into the oblivion of history. What happens to their soul is God's business and in that regard, they are no different from you and me.
You, in your day to day life are as important as anyone on the Earth. Any and every act you make over the course of your day can and does effect the lives of others, They, in turn, effect others, and a chain of effect emanates, like the circles that spread in a pond when you toss in a pebble. Every act we commit, good or bad, has vast, far reaching effects.
A harsh word may discourage a budding genius. A kind word may lead someone to acts which will benefit all of humanity, Remember, Jesus said, 'Man is not condemned by what he puts in his mouth, but by every word that comes forth from it.' Deeds resonate even more.
Remember this. Jesus was not speaking to the Roman and Jewish elite. He was speaking to the poor, the working folks, the expendables of society and He valued them as if they were Kings. You are vastly important.
I hope that make everyone feel better. But. I also hope it makes all of you think. Watch what you say and do. It may make worlds of difference. \Have a wonderful and Blessed day.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Extended Stay Hotels

Last week, I wrote about my experiences living at Crossland Economy Studios in Lawrenceville, Ga. I took the post down, not because I exaggerated the problems there, but because the post was not well written, mostly because I was so furious. So, let me try this again.
To make a long, boring story, short, I'll just say that the place is unpleasant and dangerous. The staff is rude and incompetent and the property is getting dirtier by the day and housekeeping is almost non existent. The Manager was making a semi-effort to get things together, but she is not really capable of doing so. It looks nice, until you look past the surface.  Do not stay there.
But, that is not what I want to write about. The very presence of places like that, extended stays, is the issue. Such places have been around for a long time, but there is a twist. Instead of old, single people, reclusive artists and ne'er-do-wells, extended stays are now home to families  young couples, impoverished seniors and  anyone who has had any financial troubles. Why?
When, under Bush 2, the housing bubble burst and recession set in, a lot of home owners were foreclosed, They had to go where you could rent with no credit check and no questions asked, Pay each week and you at least had a roof over your head and utilities paid. The fact that you shared the place with hookers and drug dealers had to be overlooked. The hotel owners did not care who or what you were, as long ass you paid each week They also had no incentive to keep the property up.
Those working, who had to rent in such places, found most of their check going each week to rent, There was almost no chance to get enough together to get a real place to live. We were caught in such a cycle. Now, on Social Security, we have caught a small break or two and are, trying to find a place, Unfortunately, where we are in Gwinnett Ga. is being swamped with folks, who for some reason, think this is the Land of Milk and Honey (it is definitely not-don't move here) . There is now a housing shortage and we are ready to move far away from the Metro Atlanta area.
This, like all explanations, is much oversimplified., but it is the essence of the natter. We will get by, but I am horrified that kids are being raised in these places. One of the saddest sights imaginable is a group of children waiting outside one of these places, waiting for the school bus.
The solution? I have no idea. Many immediately recommend Housing Authority, Good idea, but there are long, long waiting lists and many of their places are not much better that the hotels. The ideal thing would be for a bunch of developers to build affordable rental properties. They could make some money, and being private, could demand that certain requirements be met by those living there, ie drug testing, This could be done. Something an little bit similar was done IN East Lake, a section of Metro Atlanta. It helped , but I see little interest in continuing to expand such ideas.
Something must be done. A fairly large part of a generation of kids are being raised with no roots, no sense of home. They will be constantly on edge after years of being raised in dangerous . hostile conditions. It is hard enough for adults, You have elderly people, who still have a lot to offer the Nation, crammed into places where they are scared to stick their heads out. Norcross, a nearby community has all but banned these hotels. severely limiting the time you can stay at one. Fine, I understand, but what then. There  will be many more living in the streets, Most folks don't know that about 25% of America's homeless are kids.  Something must be done or our streets will be like the streets of places like Rio de Janeiro, home to vast, unmanageable gangs of kids.
Bit, for the life of me, I have no good ideas.  Well, think about it. Maybe you can \come up with something. Have a fine, Blessed day and pray for those who are not so fortunate.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

To Everything There Is A Seaspn

It is hard to grasp the ever changing needs of life. There are many things that are a fine idea when you are 15 that are not good at all for a 70 year old. Boxing and mountain climbing leap to mind. The human body cannot do some things as you age. Mind you, physical activity remains important as you age, but you can back off a bit.
In societies, there are similar changes. Here and there, cultures become so stuffy and conservative that they have to loosen up. In the 1950s, many thought the USA to be too uptight about certain issues, mostly sex and race. So, come the early and mid 60s, the culture started to  examine such matters and grew a bit looser. Then, as usual, things got too loose, and the pendulum swung back toward the conservative. This is a vastly oversimplified explanation, but I think you get the idea
The same in personal matters. There was a time when I worked long and hard and was expected to be at peak efficiency at all times. I lived on coffee and tobacco and, given what I was doing, that worked well. If I did that now, I would be a nervous wreck and would likely have a stroke/ Recently, after long years of near crippling arthritis, I read a doctor's page online and took his recommendation , drink 2 to 4 glasses of red wine at night. It worked well and effectively. In recent days, I have learned of some non chemical ways of dealing with the pain and inflammation and gave given up wine. What was right and appropriate at one time, was no longer a good idea. Let me be honest, alcohol has its own problems
On a National level, there are times to reach out to other countries, try to establish peace and mutually beneficial trade. But, somewhere, someone, in one of the countries will try to take advantage.  Then, peace must give way to fighting, Then, things will change back,
My point, in what must seem like aimless rambling, is that life is not static, Things are in a constant state of change. There is a balance, but never at a perfect equilibrium. The Creator has built change into the Creation, at all levels, from the quantum to the galactic and all points in between, We, as individuals and societies are a part of that Universe are subject to the same constant state of change and must constantly adapt, To put it in simple terms, you have to roll with it.
Oh, and to all who think the Bible useless and simple minded nonsense, maybe you should glance again at the Book of Ecclesiastes.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Election Fever

Actually, I gave a touch of fever. Last week I was morning brunch and evening dinner for a swarm of mosquitoes. Later in the week, the CDC announced that, in our area, the wretched little vampires were testing positive for West Nile virus. It is not serious since I am not a toddler, pregnant or ancient  in years. Just a bit achy, dizzy and feverish and that will pass in a day or so.
However, the fever I am writing about will linger until at least November and there is no treatment or cure. We have the dreaded election fever, subtype; midterms.
The race that has my eye is quite odd. Long, long time Georgia political hack, sorry , I mean political activist, Casey Cagle is running for Governor against a supposed outsider and genuine 'good ole boy,' Brian Kemp.
Both claim support from the White House, How Cagle is managing that I am not sure since the President has openly stated his support for Kemp and VP Pence just came and campaigned for him .I believe that the President said something like Cagle is better that a Democrat, which is at best a left handed compliment. Remember, this is only a primary run off and old pros like Cagle are spinning the facts like a top in the hands of a 4 year old on a sugar rush. If course, those in the Peach State know Cagle's record, or lack there of. He has been serving as Lt. Governor for our current and outgoing Governor Nathan Deal, know in Georgia as Nathan "Let's Make a' Deal
Deal has not been a whirlwind of ambition, so Cagle has had an easy gig.
I know nothing about Kemp except that he seems like a true Southern boy. Is he? I don't really know, but he has the act down perfect. I do know that the old time political hacks are dead against him. so I will pulling for him.
So, early in the madness we call our elections, we have an controversy and flim flam and things are just getting started. Like whatever little bug I have caught the only thing to do us let it run its course. My virus will last 2 or 3 mire days. The elections, 4 more months. I would rather have the virus.
Ps; I was 1 for 2 in my predictions. Tiger Woods did not win the Open. I got that one. However, my pick, Martin Kaymer, did not even ,make the cut. Qin some lose some. At least I placed no bets

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The Open

Tomorrow starts one of the grandest events in sports, The Open. This year they are playing Carnoustie, a place where golf began. People have been playing the game there for 350 years. With St. Andrews, this is the place where th grand game was born.
This is a links course, seaside and unadorned. The grass is fescue and . with the exception of the greens, it is not watered and you take the course as you find it. This year, no rain, so the course is hard as a brick and the ball is rolling up to 100 yards. The greens are also hard, but kept slow to keep the wind from blowing it around. The wind can be awful, but is expected to be moderate this week and the rain should be light.
However, the weather forecast almost does not matter Along the North Sea weather changes almost whimsically. I have seen it go from dry and mild with a little breezy to hard rain, heavy wind and 55 degrees, then become sunny, still and 80, All in 1 round.
It is said that because of the hard greens and fairways, you must play the ball along the ground, uet Nicklaus and Watson hit it high and won. No one has any idea how this will go and that is what makes it fun.
Watching the Open is like stepping back in time. This is where the game was born.   There is so much tradition and beauty. Such things are not much valued today and that is a shame. Spend some time this week and see why remembering the past can be a fine thing.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Trump vs Putin

Yesterday was the big Summit and, not much happened. And that figured. You rarely work out complex issues in a few hours. Folks don't seem to get that. To hear the Media, Democrats and a some Republicans comment. you would have thought that the President handed Putin the keys to the White House and the Nuclear codes.
I think they wanted Trump to slap Putin and challenge him to 2 out of 3 falls in a steel cage wrestling match. Or, more appropriately, a Russian Death match. They very obviously do not understand diplomacy,
No one is stating the obvious. President Trump did not remove the sanctions on Russia. He signed no agreements. They talked. That is all and, talking is better than arguing and threatening. Maybe these people have forgotten the nightmare of the Cold War.
The President did express some doubts about our Intelligence agencies, Well, the recent FBI issues should give cause to doubt their efficacy. A revue of CIA history creates even more doubts. Did Russia muck about in our politics. Of course, just like we have messed with internal politics in many other countries. Read history if you doubt that. And, while doing so, grow up. That is just how politics in the real world works. It is not tight, but it is the way things are and we will never change that by denying reality
Do I think Putin a great, trustworthy guy, No. But he is, for now, who we must deal with. Does he trust us? Of course not. We are witnessing a dance of mistrust and double dealing, but it is far better to dance than fight.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Keep Thinking

As you age, which you will, doctors will urge you to stay physically active.  Sound advice. But you hear to little about staying mentally active. This is just as important.
I used to work at a condo where most of the residents were senior citizens (I hate that term). I watched many, if not most of them degenerate to a sort of vegetable existence. They watched TV, walked around a little, and gossiped. That was about it. I have, at times almost lapsed into that same pattern. Well, I was never much on gossip, but I sure watched TV. Then, I noticed a certain mental fog settling in. I started reading a lot, but lost much of my vision, so that was out and the fog came back. So I started writing again. Thank God computers have a magnifier setting. The fog dissipated. Trust me, the fog is not all that pleasant.
There are so  many ways to keep mentally active/ Reading and writing, certainly, but if that is not appealing, learn something new. You don't have to take a physics or calculus course, but foreign language courses are great mental exercises. Learn chess or bridge. Take up  any craft. Even if you just go out and carefully observe the World, you are keeping that brain of yours sharp.
Meditation helps, but be careful not to overdo that. It can become an excuse to lapse into a stupor like state.
Thee are libraries and on line courses, so money is not an \issue. Join discussion groups in your area, Volunteer work is fine, If you have a skill, find people who want to learn what you know. You can help yourself while you help others.
In other words do something with that over sized brain we have besides watching TV and playing silly games on line. Your Creator gave you that big brain to be used.
Well, it's Friday. Enjoy a fun and Blessed weekend.

Thursday, July 12, 2018


It is with great reluctance that I admit that I mostly shop at Walmart. It is the store closest to where we live and I no longer can drive.
It is cheaper than most stores, I grant that, although it is not all that much cheaper than other stores. That really is a problem because so many of their goods, including many groceries, are foreign produced and are of noticeably inferior quality, Okay, I can deal with that.
My real issue is with the workers. I fund them, for the most part, to be a lazy and surly lot. The checkout people are slow, do not have a clue how to bag things, and seem reluctant to even tell you the total cost, as if that would be too great an expenditure of air and energy.
The shelves are rarely well stocked, leading to the unsettling presence of long rows of nearly empty shelves. It almost seems like a hurricane is coming.. Yesterday, a normal day, saw almost no bread out and what there was, was very stale. Huge sections of frozen foods are often bare. When they are stocking shelves, the workers are rude and will not move when customers need to get in that area.
The clothing area is a jumble with no rhyme or reason to the arrangement. Sizes are ,mixed and often there are no normal sizes on  display. If you take a triple x, fine, but just try finding a medium.
This is all the fault of management, who seem to rarely be around. You cannot allow unskilled workers, who are just there to get an easy paycheck to work with little supervision.
The good news? As the Trump administration tightens up trade regulations and Americans start producing their own goods, Walmart will be forced to raise prices a bit. Then, when they are about the same as other stores, they will have to tighten up their operation.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Play Fair

Today our President is upsetting apple carts. Good for him.
For long years, the USA has, financially carried NATO. We pay 70% of the bill and provide an enormous amount of military supplies and personnel. By any standard, that is not fair, especially when Germany and other European Nations are doing well financially and could do a lot better if they would solve their immigration issues and stop buying so much oil from Russia and the Mid East,
NATO formed after WW2 when Stalin seemed to be threatening W. Europe That threat was not as great as we were led to believe because the USSR was flat broke.  But, in a patriotic fever, we signed up and have been paying the lion's share ever since. Do we , the USA now need to fear Russia?
No. Putin is shrewd and opportunistic and may, here and there, get a bit aggressive. But, he does not threaten the USA because he is not a stupid man and he is not crazy. In the cold War days, we talked about MAD, mutually assured destruction. In short, you attack us and we nuke you into a grease spot. And vice versa. There will be no major war between the USA and Russia Threatening and blustering, yes, but no more.
If W. Europe feels they are threatened, by Russia, Iran, Korea or any one else, they should get busy learning how to defend themselves. We don't really have a dog in their hunts
NATO is of no real use to us. If we stay, it is a favor to W. Europe. It is not fair to expect us to continue to foot the bill. If Germany and the others cannot defend their own land, 73 years after WW2it ended, it is not our problem. If they want us to stay, they need to give and I am glad that our President is getting right to the heart of the matter.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Now the Fun Starts

A new Supreme Court Nominee has popped up/ I know little about such things. He seems like a decent guy and certainly seems qualified. While conservative, he doesn't seem like a raving radical right winger. Just a bright guy with a lot of experience and no major skeletons in his closer. None of that matters at all.
At this point, President Trump could have named one of the 12 disciples and the left would be screaming.
The pretense is Roe v Wade. Abortion. I have no intention of even discussing that issue,  because that is not the real story. It is unlikely that Roe v Wade will be overturned. Altered? Yes. Abridged? Almost certainly. But not done away with.
The real motive for the protests is a broader agenda. The people behind the inane protests of the left is their fear that we will become, once more, a conservative, Judeo-Christian Nation. The left wants us to become a socialist, fascist pagan/atheist Nation where the Government runs your finances and in every other area of your life anything goes.
There is a deeper motive behind that. There is the good old 'new world order' nonsense spoken of by Bush 1, pushed further by Obama, and backed by the Rockefellers. This is one thing that conspiracy theorists got right. which was not hard to do, since David Rockefeller openly stated that goal. They want the US not to be a beacon of hope and greatness. They want us to be another mediocre Country, subservient to a World governing body run by corporations and their lackeys. They want a religion based on some hellish blend of bad science, atheism and neo-paganism. Don't believe that last part? A close look at what passes for entertainment and you will see symbolism that would make Alestair Crowley proud. Listen to the way Christian are mocked.\
Then look at their economic agenda. There  is serious talk about just giving everyone in the country checks to live on. What they don't say, is that you had best behave the way they want you to or you'll be cut off and cast out. Remember, "he who does not have the nark of the Beast will not be able to buy or sell."
I am not being overly dramatic. The leaders of the left have been very open about their ultimate agenda, But, they have not quite figured out that the NE and the West Coast are not the whole Country. The Mid West, the South and the Mid South (Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas) still have a huge voice and they are not happy campers. In fact, while they are so far, keeping their cool, they are a very ornery lot. The left will not prevail.
But, this fall figures to be a battle. There is this Justice to be confirmed. There will be a final report on the various scandals (Russia, emails, FBI misbehavior and DOJ issues) and the Democrats will likely be the ones suffering the most damage. The economy will keep improving, N. Korea will behave, Iran will be force to get in line or suffer a revolution by its very unhappy populace, and Illegal immigration and drug trafficking will  cease.
All of that will happen but, the fight over this nomination and the mid term battles will be intense.  The last election will look like an ice cream social by comparison.

Monday, July 9, 2018

What Do People Think?

In what Universe is it a good idea to send kids and their soccer coach into a cave in the monsoon season. That Universe must be where Thailand is located..
We do some amazingly stupid things in this Country, but really, I cannot believe the insanity of actions like that. It seems that all will end well, but the danger and expense involved in the rescue is enormous.
Then again,, maybe we are not all that bright either. Pro football players often leave their careers barely able to walk. Many leave barely able to think, due to serial concussions Yet, each year, we send thousands of kids out to play this violent game. Teenagers are sent out on the Friday night ritual in high schools everywhere and colleges hit the gridiron every Saturday. WE even send wee ones out in Pee Wee leagues. They often suffer, not just broken bones and concussions, but heat stroke. I used to work at a high school and they had those guys out, in fill gear, in 98 degree heat with 90% humidity. Every year, a number of these kids drop dead from the strain. All for a stupid games.
If grown ups want to engage in dangerous activities, that's their business, but aren't kids supposed to be protected. Not coddled. Kids are going to get hurt and that's just a fact of life,. But not over a game.
Next thing, maybe we should have bare knuckle boxing matches for ages 10 and up. Sometimes I almost think that we are sacrificing kids on the altar of football because, make no mistake about it, in many ways, football is a religion in America. and, few seem to bat an eye when some 16 year old drops dead of heat stroke or winds up with spinal injuries from a hard hit.
Well, maybe I was too hard on Thailand. We're not much better sometimes.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Cheer Up

"Let us not bow our heads to be complaining. Life has been good to us all, even when that sky is raining." The Band, Unfaithful Servant
There is certainly a lot to complain about and I sure do my share, but, really, what does that solve? If you have problems. deal with them and, all the while you are doing that, remember how sweet life is. Remember the beauty, the wonder and the love Spend some time, as much as possible, each day, thinking of the good in your life, past, present, and future. Believe me, things will get better, if you let them. Not magically. You have to make the effort, but they will get better.
In the meantime, focus on the good, Acknowledge the bad, you cannot deny it. But, put your energy toward the positive. This is not a naïve, Pollyannaish message. It is the way things are..
We have short lives. Do Not waste your time dwelling in anger and darkness.
Now, Friday is here. Enjoy a happy and Blessed weekend.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Back to Work

Okay, the parties over. Barbeque has been eaten, ball games played and beer drunk. You may be tired, nauseous and a bit hung over, but you need to get with it. The lazy days of summer cannot be so lazy this year. Too much to do.
This is the year that will determine where the US goes,  The economy is better, but it will slide back if we return to the ennui that has plagued us for too long. American workers have bemoaned the lack of decent jobs since the Great Recession kicked in. Those jobs are out there now and you best be ready. Go to school in your spare time. Get some training because, if you don't, well, there are a lot of foreign workers trained and ready to roll, who would desperately love to come here.
Take control of your life. Learn and practice decent manners. Not where you put salad forks at a formal dinner, just little things like please and thank you and may I help you. Be neat in your appearance and watch your mouth. Your ability to string together obscenities may be well developed, but it just displays your basic ignorance.
.Go to work ready to work. If you're hung over, that's your fault. Get over it and don't drag around complaining. Problems at home? Unless it involves an unusual disaster, deal with them at home. If it is something dire, tell your boss.  They are human and will probably cut you some slack. If you are the boss, don't take it out on employees. It's not their fault.
Get your financial house in order. You don't need huge bills hanging around. And, get your actual dwelling in order. Life goes smoother when things are neat and organized.
,Take care of yourself. You do no good when you're sickly, so eat well, get some exercise and a bit of rest. You don't need to be a fanatic, eating tofu and hanging out in gyms. Just use some sense.
I've written such posts before and I don't want to preach or bore people, I just sometimes think that many don't realize how fast things are changing. Americans must be ready, moving quickly and intelligently. If we fail this time, things will get very bad. On the other hand, you'll have plenty of free time. No money, but lots of free time.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Independence Day

"We carried you in our arms, on Independence Day." Tears of Rage, Bob Dylan and Rick Danko (The Band)
Honestly, I used that quote because it was the only song I could think of that used the words 'Independence Day". But, the more I think of it, the more I think that it is perfect for this 4th of July.
This Nation is at a crossroads. It may survive as a free and great land of opportunity, a place where folks can grow, explore and feel free to be themselves. We can be a Nation that boldly faces the future and, with the help of the Creator, make that future ours.
Or, we can grow ever more mediocre, scared of our own shadow, never daring to, at last. become what our Creator wants, wise, prosperous, just and fearless. We can become just another lump of humanity and that may well happen if we do not stand up to those who want us to  just get along. Ro always 'fit in,' don't excel, keep to the norm,' and never, ever think for ourselves.  Orwell's nightmare world may be at hand, if we don't stop the oppressors.
So, what does this have to do with the song lyrics. Well, we need to remember those who carried us in their arms. who raised us and taught us. They got some things wrong, for sure, but we must take all the wisdom they taught and adapt it to what we have learned. The good stuff, the basics, never change. There must always be respect, charity, community, family and a love for the One who Created us..
And, there always has to be fun, so, for those lucky enough to have the Holiday off, go out and enjoy. Eat lots of good food, enjoy sports, talk to everyone and maybe have a drink or two (but don't overdo that). Take a minute and remember those who came before. Then relish this day we have. Happy and Blessed 4th of July to one and all.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Take the High Road

As we go through the insanity that is this modern World, we are confronted with rudeness, violence, and depravity. Those have always been a part of the human condition and I suppose they will continue to be with us for long years to come.
It is so easy to fall into such traps, or so it seems. Actually, it is quite difficult. You tax your soul, your spirit, to the breaking point. Yes, there are people who behave horribly, and, sometimes, they are successful. Often, their lives descend into chaos and misery. Even if they retain their surface worldly success, they suffer in their personal lives. True, sometimes they wind up with people who are as mentally ill as they are, and yes, horrible behavior is a mental illness, they will pay retribution when they leave this life. Make no mistake. We do have immortal souls and they do pay for past mistakes, unless we repent and do penance.
I am not preaching a sermon, just stating facts about how the Creation works. If you don't like that, too bad. I certainly have not lived a saintly life, far from it. I have repented, which simply means to have a change of heart, and I have done penance. I still make a lot of mistakes, but I try to correct them quickly.
Part of our problem stems fro our constant bombardment, by the media, with depraved images of sexuality, violence, greed and decadence. They should remember the words of Jesus, " Woe unto you who lead these children astray. It would be better if you had a millstone tied to your neck and were cast into the seal. He was not one to mince words.
We all need to learn to tune out the garbage we are being fed. If you find certain presentations titillating, but uncomfortable, you need to get away from them. This does not mean banning content, censoring. That never works. Nor does it mean that you can only view Sesame Street and read Mother Goose. There are many programs, books, movies and pieces of music that can hold the interest of grown ups without boring them silly. Also, beware the news. Sometimes they are far too graphically violent.
You cannot, and should not, try to control the World. The Creator grants freedom to the Creation. But, you can choose what you allow to penetrate your consciousness and how you react to the input.  Always, take the high road. Rise above the disease. It's not that hard. Have a very Blessed day. 

Monday, July 2, 2018

Just hangin' Out Here

Just hangin' out here in the middle of nowhere. Got nowhere to go, got nothin' to do.
Just hangin' out here, dollar in my hand, whoopin' and hollerin' for the ice cream man.
Dr. John, Shoo Fly Goes Marchin' On. from In the Right Place
Good advice from the Doctor. I have a lot to do and many places to go, but guess what?
Wednesday is the 4th of July and, I guarantee you that there will be little real business done from tomorrow noon until Thursday afternoon. Many have the day off and will be ready to run on Tuesday and recovering Thursday morning. Those who must work will not be happy, eager  employees. So I'm just hangin' out. And, yes, I will be eating some ice cream.
But, the news keeps coming and today we are dealing with tariffs. The President is still not thrilled with China and has started a scuffle with Canada. In addition, he is getting testy with the EU. He is right. We need not put up with unfair trade practices.
However, the Stock Market is getting a wee bit jumpy. On the whole, I could care less about that because there is not a real indicator of the state of the economy. Still, I have some concern because a lot of folks have their retirement funds tied up in there. My advice is get out. Move your money somewhere safe. I have seen bubbles burst. The tech bubble under Clinton and the housing bubble under Bush 2. For a few years, some experts have said that the current Market is over priced and predicting a break. It will come.
Also, as these tariffs take hold, prices will rise. That is how it should be. We have grown to used to buying second rate, dirt cheap products from foreign lands, who. on return, buy little of our properly made goods because of the expense. Instead, they steal our ideas and produce junk, which, like idiots buy. This must stop and will, but, many Americans, like spoiled brats, will scream at higher prices. Forget the increase in jobs. They just want cheap electronics and clothes. Actually, they want both, but that just is not going to happen.
So, look for the economic road to get a might bumpy for a while. Don't worry. Just hang out . And keep an eye out for the ice cream man.