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Friday, September 7, 2018


What a day for a daydream. The Lovin' Spoonful
That was one of my favorite songs in the mid-60s and it fits my mood today. When I was a wee lad, teachers would chastise is for daydreaming. We had to be bust and thoughtful, They were dead wrong. Daydreams are an expression of our minds constant need to create. Stifle them and you lose an important part of yourself.
You can learn a lot about yourself by, while awake, letting your mind rom free. What draws your attention. Are your fancies dark and mysterious or light and whimsical.Are they always of a sexual nature or do you dream of great deeds. Don't judge, after all they are just little fantasies, but they can reach you a lot.. On occasion, ideas od worth pop through. Answers to what has been vexing you may appear.
Even if your daydreams are not profound, they give your mind a nice little break suring the day, a few moments of freedom from the daily grind. They are amazingly refreshing.
Now, you do have  to exercise some control. If you're driving a truck, you don't want to dreaming of throwing the winning pass at the next Super Bowl. If you are performing brain surgery, you don't want to be drifting away to a lovely tropical shore.
But, when you have a break in your daily action, letting your mind drift away for a few moments is a fine health thing.
I write this post on Friday because I always found Friday, especially late in the day when the week us winding down to b e a fine time to ease off. A little daydreaming helps set the stage fpr the weekend. I hope ypurs is a wonderful and Blessed weekend.

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