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Thursday, September 13, 2018


Time is perhaps the greatest mystery. St. Augustine said that when he didn't think about it, he understood it. But, when he thought about it, he realized that he had no way to discuss it, Einstein called it a persistently stubborn illusion. You can even make a case that past, present and future are all happening at once.
Bur let's not get all scientific here. On a day to day level, we all know how slippery time is.  Days can fly by in a blur and, here and there, days can seem to drag on for months. The mind can seem to crawl through data and sometimes process input in a blink.
New Age types often prattle on about staying in the 'now.' You cannot do this. There is something called the Hallusian gap. The fastest we can process sensory input is about a thirtieth of a second
In essence, we are always watching a movie of our lives. We see what just happened.
That aside (okay, I have o get a little scientific) the smallest unit of time we can measure is called Plank's time, about 6 times 10 to the negative 25 power, and unthinkably runt number, but a number nonetheless. Before that, the laws of physics break down (this is a singularity). What exists then, if anything, id unknown. But it does mean that in the purest sense, there is no 'now.'
I gave no idea why I am writing this. Maybe, as I get older, I am trying to find a way to stretch the days, but any such effort is doomed to failure. Time will do what it does and pass. Shakespeare wrote that 'the days creep by at a petty pace." He mist have written that when young, because as you age, they fly (my Daddy told me that and I laughed at such foolish talk. He was right.).
What to do with time? Nothing, Don't drive yourself crazy. Time is an interesting topic to think about, but all you can do is follow the advice of the great band Little Feat and "roll with it."
Have a great 'Time' today. And, please, say a few prayers for the folks in the path of Hurricane Florence. God bless all of you.

What to do? What we always have to do with life. In the words of the great band :ittle Feat, "Roll with it."

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