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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Maybe I spoke to Quickly

Recently, I conceded the Country to the Socialists. I may have been to hasty. Not because there are not a whole lot of them. The left wing may gain a bunch of seats in the mid term elections, but it may be very temporary. This will not be a political blog. It is more about our perceptions and about how things can change in an instant. And, about some surprising twists life can take.
In the wake of Florence, much aid is promised from the Feds and I am sure a lot of money will ve sent. But, so far, the emergency relief has been handled by local and state officials in conjunction with many wonderful volunteers, many from other states. The National Guard, military and FEMA are not doing the hard, quick work needed in disasters. They, no doubt, will get there and do good work, but so far, it is a local effort. A fine job is being dome without Washington. If folks are paying attention, they will see that the Feds are limited, both by circumstances and by their inherent incompetence. Corporate America, the other darlings of the left are impotent in such situations. Again, local residents and businesses are the heroes.
At the same time, reports on the economy are painting a far less rosy picture than the Administration. Things are somewhat better, but not that much, unless you are at the upper echelons of a large corporation. On top of all of that, the whole Washington power structure is teetering on collapse from the weight of its own bloated corruption. Spies and secret cabals, bribes and lies, double dealing and rampant sexual misbehavior, have all meshed together to paint a sleazy picture of power mad corruption and both sides are up to their necks in in the muck.
Now, many, especially among younger voters will turn up their noses and vote the party in power, Republicans, our, and turn to the rhetoric of the left. Not their fault. They have not been taught enough about how the World functions to know better and are being media led. Many will just skip the elections and I don't blame them. The left will make gains and the Federal mess will get bigger and worse. But, eventually, the disaster of the Feds and the efficiency of local and State governments, combined with the humanity and heroism of  what we , call ordinaty people( U hate that term, we are all extraordinary), may drive home the point that we must function locally and in a true free matket (By the way, our economy is now a cannibalistic, cut throat capitolism. We have not been a free market economy since before the Civil War. Sometime, read a bit about Lincoln's power grab whicj was followed soon by the rise of the great robber barons like Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morhan and a few others. They, in conjunction with old Abe, ruined this Country).
The left will likely have its day, but it will be a short one. The Federal Government will prove itself incapable of handling much of anything. Corporate America will price itself out of the US markets and concentrate on the World economy which will, in turn fuel a revival of small American businesses.
The final result will be a return to the idea of some of the Founding Fathers, The USA will become a loose confederation of States withe Federal Government being responsible only for defending us from foreign direct aggression and arbitrating  squabbles between the States. Sanity will be restored after a brief period of madness. Maybe. Hopefully. My advice is to keep yourself out of the way as musch as possible and pay attention. realize this. Perceptions determine reality and events, often unexpected, will change perceptions. Have a Blessed day.

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