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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Get Ready

I see hurricanes ablowin'. I think the end is almost here. Credence Clearwater Revival
Well, it's not that bad, but somewhere on our Atlantic Coast there is going to be a nasty little storm. Where is impossible to say right now because hurricanes are so unpredictable. It is a Category 4 at the moment. Generally these tings weaken as they approach land, but not always. Folks really don;t need to be concerned with that unless they are directly in the path of the eye wall/ That is usually a small area. Those in that area have a serious problem.
But that doesn't let others off the hook. You will have high winds and a ridiculous amount of rain If you are on the shore line or one of the little island along the coast, you need to leave now.
Everyone else in the area will have a rocky rode, but, if you use good sense, you will be fine. I have been through 7 hurricanes and 16 tropical storms, so let me give you a few helpful hints;
Make sure all of your cell phones are fully charged and use them sparingly. You will almost certainly lose your power. I have seen the power restored in 12 hours and I have seen it take 3 weeks
Fill as many containers as possible with water and pit as many as possible in your freezer. That will keep the fridge surprisingly cold for about a day.
Fill your bath tub and as many buckets as you can find with water. There are often water problems since, without power,city pump stations shut down. Some cities have enough generators but most don't. The tub and buckets won't be for drinking. They can be used to flush toilets and believe me, that comes in handy. Just take the lid off the tank, pour in the water and flush.
If you have a generator, great. Make sure you know how to use it and do not put it an enclosed area. Same with grills and camp stoves. Use them indoors and you will either burn your house down or die from carbon monoxide poisoning.
Stay pit until the authorities say you can go out. After the storm, there will be many dangerous situations outside and emergency crews need clear roads. Don't get in the way.
You are going to have to learn patience. You will get power back when ypu get it. Getting angry does nothing. Be prepared. You may not get your cable or internet service for a good while. Nothing you can do about that.
Here is a tip you seldom hear. But a few cans of mosquito repellent. There will be standing water and that means that about a week later, there will be millions of the tiny blood suckers around and you are dinner.
The storm itself is a wonder to behold. Rarely do wee see the full power of Nature. The aftermath is a nightmare. Things are dirty, wet, smelly and dangerous. The areas hit will be changed and there is nothing you can do about it. If the storm does the unexpected, and turns out to sea, don't get angry at officials who launched emergency procedures. They cannot wait until the last minute. They do a reasonably good job . If it misses you, just be thankful. Stay safe and God Bless all of you.

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