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Thursday, September 6, 2018


We live in an orderly Universe governed by rational laws. Mostly. The Creator threw in a wild card, chaos/ We can predict very little because we never know all the factors influencing reactions. On top of that, we have quantum influence. In the quantum, world, not only are their countless reactions happening at amazing speeds. I can only speculate, not being God that this was done to prevent a stagnant Universe. A mechanical, clockwork Universe would be incredibly boring.
There are folks, many, who are not thrilled with this. It shows up in all religions, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, even some types of Hinduism. Not so much in Buddhism, but that is really more of a psychology than a religion.
You see this among the World's leaders. They want power with the intent of establishing a World order that meets their ideas of the way things should be. Upon establishment of that World, they will fight, bully and connive, cheat, lie and even kill. This has happened over and over again throughout human history and still continues. It does not, has not and will not work for any extended period of time. For brief instants, yes, although always at a terrible price.
 The Universe will not abide stagnation and will not long tolerate those who try to impose their will over the Creation. And yet, the elite, the powerful continue to try . They are quite mad and yet they are the World's leaders and many of the populace just go along with their agenda. Maybe they hope to make some money, maybe they are scared to oppose, maybe they want to bask in the false glory of their leaders, or maybe they just are too beaten down to stand up and say no. Or maybe they want the reassurance of tyranny, preferring that to the discomfort of uncertainty.
The Universe is glorious because it will always change and always amaze. You cannot own it, you cannot possess it and you cannot control it. Because of the chaotic nature of things, chaotic in the sense that we can never know all contributing factors in a process and never be sire of the outcome,  for the same reason, all attempts to impose any individual's or any group's view on our World, is an affront to our Creator. It is an attempt to set yourself up as God and that will not work. Have a very Blessed day.

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