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Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Guilt is an odd topic to write about these days. Seems that the current trend is to ignore the subject to sweep past misbehavior under the rug. The past is past, move on. One problem with that. It is not the way things are. The past creates ripples in space-time. We all do wrong. We know it and feel bad about it, unless of course you are a pure psychopath and blessedly there are very few of those. This is guilt for you folks who don't know. It is a natural, human feeling. What you do with it is the key.
There are those who try to slough it off. 'Well, it's no big deal.' Sorry, often it is and it will come back to bite. Or, there is this.'Well, we;re all human and we're all just old sinners.'  Nope, that won't cut it. All of do wrong, but we are called om to try to do better and you cannot let your humanity excuse your sins.
Then, you have folks who go to the other extreme. They wallow in their guilt, bemoaning the fact  that they have done evil and  deserve a lifetime of punishment. That accomplishes nothing and causes huge damage. It freezes you and brings all hope of progress to a halt.
Built can, and should be, an energizer, driving a person to do better. If amends for the sin can be made, make them. Apologize to your Creator and try to make things right with the offended party. At the very least it should push you to do something positive. Move on, yes, but only after you have learned a lesson and only when you have an idea of how to move things on a positive direction.
An acceptance of the old idea of guilt would actually be a healthy thing. Just don't get buried in it.

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