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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Daytime TV

I have been sick for a couple of days with God knows what. The flu, a cold. some exotic mosquito borne disease from a far off tropical land, whatever it was, it hut me like a ton of bricks I/m still not back to normal, so I have nothing of importance to say.
But, maybe I do. When you are ill, the temptation is to get bored, bet up and get busy and there are 2 possible results from those actions. !, you will make yourself sicker or 2, you, being contagious, will make others sick. Now that I think of it, there is a third possibility. You may will do both of the above
But, help is on hand. Daytime TV has something for everyone and is a fine way to pass tome when you just cannot do anything else.
Soap operas, old comedies and drams, and game shows have been around since the 1950s. Talks shows seem a bit scarcer than they used to be, bit they are still around, along with the Judge Judys and other pseudo-court room battles.
My usual choices are the History Channel, The Travel Channel. The Food Channel,  and  the Golf Channel. I can, when sick enough, watch hours of Ancient Aliens, Chopped, Bizarre Foods ot Feherty.
Today, thankfully, I am a bit better. Still, I am a little tired and have some congestion, so, after lunch, I am going to lie down for an hour or so. I wonder if Chopped is on.

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