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Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Destructive Lunacy of the News Media

I do not much care about the outcome of the Supreme Court Nominee. These things come and go and, most always, the opposition party acts like a bunch of buffoons. I expected no more nor no less than what is happening.
What is a disaster is the news coverage. On all news broadcasts, you are hearing pundits, commentators and reporters going on and on, over and over again about the facts of the issue. Guess what? None of them, not a single one, knows what happened at those parties.They were not there. I was not there and you were not there. Yet those in the media ramble on about the issue. The White House is throwing in random comments. A variety of Congress people (is that how we now phrase it?) are offering opinions and none of it means a thing. Commentary by Elmo and Big Bird are of equal worth. Let me say it again. None of us know what happened because we were not there.
The proper response to all of these accusations is, "Hey, here are some accusations. Let's have them investigated by the proper authorities and we'll let you know what they find. Stay tuned." Instead, the media goes on and on, just picking at sores and keeping everything on edge. They drag out all sorts of so-called experts, including some in Government on, nit a day by day, but hour by hour basis. Those idiots go along because it's and election year and this gets them on TV. And it makes things worse.
It is ironic that all of this is over a Judicial appointment and, instead of letting Judicial processes run the investigation, we have turned it over to the news media
The whole display, on both sides is sickening. My advice. Forget the whole mess. Go to work enjoy your day, go home, have some fun and get some rest. This stuff is lunacy and the news media, Congress, the White House and everyone else involved should hang their heads in utter disgust at a display that makes childish tantrums look like fine behavior. The whole mess is sickening and , ultimately is doing irreparable harm to the USA. As Jack Nicholson's character in Easy Rider said, "This used to be a damn good Country."
Hang on folks, it is going to get worse. The mid-terms are only a month and a half away and this will not be fun.

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