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Friday, September 21, 2018

Look to the Rabbit

Americans and may other folks are going to have to change their eating habits. The main issue is beef. I love beef. When I was a kid, its was cheap and I was brought up on huge roasts and sirloin steaks and huge hamburgers. It was great and I still lobe them. But, here is the problem.
It takes a lot of land to raise cattle, along with a lot of feed and a whole lot of water (for both the feed and the cows). Potable water is an issue around the World. As the climate changes, and make no mistake, it is changing rapidly (sorry Mt. President. You are wrong about this issue). drought is affecting huge American farming area. California, where they grow a lot of produce is in a long drought and the Midwestern farmlands where they grow all the grain are also lacking rain. When less feed is grown, you must raise fewer cattle and it will soon become a question of whether we want water and produce for humans or feed and water for cows.
To those who say, as some always will, 'That won't happen in the USA," well, it has. Read your history books and learn if the Dust Bowl days of Oklahoma. The difference is that there were a lot fewer people than there were then
Beef will likely nit go away entirely, but it will grow monstrously expensive. Pork is an option but, again, there is a problem. Free range pork is a wonderful meat. Pigs raised on today's factory farms have a nightmarish life and, the ensuing karmic issues aside, they have little flavor. Same for poultry. We have fushed the oceans literally to bear death and while farm raised fish is fine, you had better look closely ar the farming conditions, unless you enjoy eating hormones and pesticides.
So, I believe that we must turn to the rabbit,, It takes very little room, food or water to raise them and the meat is tasty and wonderful, lean and healthy. They are easy and cheap to raise, in part because they breed like, well, rabbits. You have a continuously self replacing crop.
All you have to do is get people to stop thinking of them as Bugs Bunny or Peter Rabbit. Those who raise them. my Dad did when he was young (it was during the Depression and they raised them for meat) will tell you that to know them is not to love them. Dispelling the myth of the cute little bunnies should not be difficult.
So, I say to you, Look to the Rabbit, unless you really want to live on tofu. Have a Blessed and fun weekend

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