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Friday, September 28, 2018

Conclusions? None Today

I hate to admit this, but I watched the entire Senate hearing yesterday. It was a hell of a show. Mesmerizing. Ir was a dark drama that, when all is said and done, makes Macbeth look bright and cheery.
Did we find out what really happened? Not at all, nor should we have expected to. All we heard was 'he said' and 'she said'. This was not a trial and there was no presentation of evidence and no witnesses. It was a show, but a moving and well played show. All I can say is something happened. It is as definite as anything can be that Dr. Ford was assaulted, by someone at sometime and was left traumatized. For whatever reason, she associates Kavanaugh with that incident, and has done so for years.
He showed properly righteous indignation at being accused, but, as the day wore on, he seemed to grow a bit shaky and incoherent. He stopped answering questions and just kept repeating lines from his opening statement. He became apoplectic, then unresponsive,, when pushed about a possible further investigation, not a response you would expect from a man swearing his innocence. He also grew very touchy when pushed about his fondness for alcohol. I speak from experience when I say that such a response comes when you are indeed uncomfortable about your level of alcohol consumption. The point being made was, of course, that heavy drinking does wreak havoc with memory.
There are no conclusions to be drawn. In my own opinion, something happened and we will never know what because neither party really remembers. There are gaps that will not be filled in because they cannot be filled in. Should he be confirmed? No, because there will always be an overhanging cloud. That is not fair to him, bur life is not fair and it is not appropriate that a Supreme Court Justice is obscured by clouds. What I think does not make a bit of difference and he will be confirmed.
Still, it was great drama. But, when the dust settles and the uproar dies down, what will remain is the ugliness. This was American politics at its rawest. It is nothing new, but we seldom see it on such open display. There is not 1 Senator or lawyer who can, if honest, walk away with their head held high. I have seldom seen such stupidity and incompetence, such willful ignorance and stubborn nastiness. This is our Nation at its worst.
One last point. The Democrats have one chance to rake a lot of seats in the mid-terms. They must motivate young, left wing voters to get to the polls. If they play it right, the Republicans have dealt them a winning hand, 

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