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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

We Can Talk About It Now

We could try to reason, but you might think it treason. The Band, We Can Talk About It Now, from the album Music From Big Pink
The above is one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite albums, by one of my favorite bands. It comes to mind because, for a brief while, I have the Senate hearings on the Supreme Court nominee's confirmation on the TV. Not for long, I can assure you. Seemongly, we can no longer talk about it and many do think that all attempts to reason are treason.
I am not commenting on the Nominee. He seems to be a cookie cutter model of all the rest of the Nominees. Probably a nice gut, bright enough but not brilliant and definitely not a creative thinker. In short, competent, but dull. I really do not care if he is confirmed or not.
My problem is with the state of dialogue in this Nation. So far, all I have heard in this hearing is a lot of statements. Each side is making statements, but they are talking at each other. There is no give and tale, no reasoning.
Since the writings of Plato and his recreation of Socrates' dialogues, verbal give and take gas been the basis of reasoning in Western Civilization. That seems to be gone now.  A society cannot function without such conversation without becoming a dictatorship. We are a democratic republic and cannot survive as such without talking to each other and engage in give and take, reasoning together.
So far, no and this seems to have become the norm. There are some others voicing opinions, but they are in the gallery screaming incoherently..
To some, this hearing is important and they are getting a sham hearing, and that is all there will be until we learn to talk about things and to reason again. I do not think that day is soon to come.
But, it is a good day, mild and pleasant and I feel pretty well. My advice is to ignore the whole mass of lunacy and  have some fun. Blessings to all of you.

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