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Monday, September 17, 2018

Thoughts in Passing

Monday is here and I have nothing in particular that I feel like writing about. So, just some passing thoughts.
The Storm has devastated N. Carolina and their flooding has not peaked yet. I hope that a lesson is learned. Florence came ashore as a Category 2 and dropped to a 1 quickly. Yet, it has been catastrophic and the damage was not in the least confined to the eye wall area. As is usual, the wind is spectacular, but it is the water that does the worst damage. Do not concentrate on the exact strength and where landfall will be. The storms are horrific and a slow moving minimal hurricane or a tropical storm can be worse than a fast moving, strong storm., although both are fearsome.
Second, the Cavanaugh mess. Maybe the allegations are true and he was a bad boy. Maybe very bad. Bit, if so, why is this information coming out 35 years later.
The Manafort plea bargain seems to further confirm the fact that all of the sides in our political circus are  corrupt beyond what we might have suspected.
Much is being said about Obama;s reemergence into the political fray. Who cares? He only has the power that he is given by those who pay attention to him. I ignore him.
Personally, I would rather spend the day thinking of better things. The lovely, yellow flowers in the hedge next door are far more arresting than the mess we see daily on the news. I am looking forward to the upcoming baseball playoffs and the PGA finale on Atlanta this weekend.
I would rather spemd time contemplating the good fried chicken dinner we will have tonight or the coming of the crisp, cool days of autumn that are nearing. Most of all,  I am planning what we might do to celebrate my friend Deb's quickly arriving birthday.
Call me irresponsible. I do not care. I have at last reached the age when I feel justified in letting younger folks deal with running the World. After all, it is now theirs. I watch and have thoughts and make comments, but even those are growing less frequent. I am content to enjoy my life. I hope I am around for long years to come. I worked hard, very hard, throughout my life. I, like many my age, deserve the chance to just enjoy the World. At the same time, young people deserve their shot at running things. I do hope that they do a better job than we did. Have a Blessed day.

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