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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Dangers of Thought

The rain is still coming today and after a day spent doing and thinking nothing, my restless brain is ar it again. I try to tell the little guy to chill, but, alas, it eill not cooperate. Thinking tends to make me face unpleasant issues.
We are still recounting ballots. Strange, back in the days before we had modern technology, we never had such problems. If the counts were off, and they may have been, results were called and we got on wuth the running of the Country. I have a very sharp bs detector and I think a very rotten game is being played, by both sides.
Don't like the results? Blame it on all sorts of malfeasance. Don't like the call for recounts" Claim the other side is trying to steal the election. The frustrating thing is that both sides seem to be right. What is happening"
Simple. There is a war, a serious war, between the factions trying to run the Deep State. Those who remember the Iran-Contra hearings under Reagan know that such a thing exists and that it is immensely powerful. They have the means and will to just ignore the Congress The President, and the Constitution. For a brief while, they all seemed on the same page, but power seeks more power  and such alliances will always fail.
The factions? Huge corporations and banks. The Military. The Intelligence community. These are the basics. Who is behind them? Shadow figures from all over the World, who control more money than you or I can imagine. Presidents like Wilson and Roosevelt spoke of such figure and how they truly ran things. They spoke of them once and had sense enough to go no further with their explanations.
There is much discord among such factions. Or is there? Possibly, that is a scam. designed to keep the American people on a confused, disturbed state of mind. Why? Enough chaos, and the Shadow Government can declare a Notional emergency and suspend the Constitution. Will they? Maybe, but not now. More power must be amassed. People must be ready for such a move, fristrated into accepting it. Remember, there are still a lot of very independent Americans who are quite craanky and heavily armed. Can the whole mess be avoided? Sure. Be honest and admit that right now, we have a big mess. President Trump to the contrary, we have not become great again. B etter, yes, but far from great. We still have far too much poverty, too many homeless including may kids, and overprice and unaffordable medical care. Our education system us a joke. We are still raping the Earth out of nothing more than simple greed. Much of the World loathes us and the rest tolerate us only because we are the big dog and they are scared of us. The only way out, other than letting the Powers that Be take over, is to get it together, at least moderately behave yourselves, and do your work, as long as uyou feel that the work is honorable. Do not actively resist. That will trigger the take over.  Passively resist ny forming communities, helping others and generally doing all yoy can to get rid of the tension, anger and dismay that the Nation is going through. Don't rock the boat. Instead, row it gently. Remember, you cannot stand up in a hurricane, but, like the palm trees, you can give a bit, go with the flow and then, when the storm passes, stand tall. I never thought I would see the day when a simple act of kindness was an revolutionary act, but there you are.
Anyway, the rain is easing and I have things to do, so let me end mu rambling nonsese by just say, Bless you, one and all.

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