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Monday, November 5, 2018

Meet the New Boss

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The Who, Won't Get Fooled Again
Tomorrow, at long last, we have the midterm elections. And, they will change little, if anything. The Republicans will still do their thing and the Democrats, theirs. Business as usual. Once upon a time, that was fine, because at least they were, if not on the same page, in the same chapter. Now, they are not even in the same book.
We are in the midst of a massive, overwhelming paradigm change. People do not see the World as they once did. Fine. That is the way it shoud be, but in such shifts, there is always great chaos. The problem is, in great part, we are trying to deal with that using the old style politics. The old game of fixers and manipulators, of threats and rants, od accusations and wild promises, of backroom deals and campaign fund payoffs, will not help. In fact, it will make things worse.
The electorate is frustrated. That is whu we are seeing such viscous rhetoric. I will not be surprised if, here and there, we see substantial violence in tomorrow's wake.
We will be stuck once more, with the same old politicians going about their work with the same old, tired, routines. No changes, even in the face of a Nation and a World that are changing ar a frantic pace.
I would say, as I gave in the past, a pox on them all, but is insufficient. Nothing that will happen that will solve our staggering load of problems. Vote Republican or Democrat, whatever you choose. Or just ignore the whole rotten mess.  Spend the day doing something that really counts. Make something, Learn something. Help some one. Heck, hus go out and pass a football around' at least you'll get some exercise. Then get ready to duck, because something si going to hit the fan.
The only way around this mess is, I am sorry to say, to learn all you can about what we are discovering about our Earth and its inhabitants. This will give you a clue about the nature of the paradigm shift and some ideas of how we need to change. Or, at the very least, it will give you an idea of how to get around the agents of the status quo. The end of the old age is here and they do not know that. But they will. Harsh thoughts? Yes, but this can be a harsh World. The best way out of this is to just ignore the rantings of power mad old men and women.
I will leave you a line from Dylan's All Along the Watchtower. 'Let us not talk falsely now for the hour is getting late.' Have a Blessed, healthy and happy day.

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