Cats fascinate me. I have never owned one,as if anyone can truly own a cat. Byt, I have had friend's with cars and they are odd creatures indeed.
When in college, my housemates had a Siamese. That was fine because, even though I am horribly allergic to cars, they are short haired and hypoallergenic. She was the princess of the household. When she wished to be held or petted, she let nothing stand in her way. No matter how mich syou discouraged het, she found a way into your lap and stayed as long as she pleased. If she wanted to be left alone, you dared not pick her up. Inwanted affection got you scratched. Dinner had best be in her bowl, when she wanted it, or you felt her wrath. But, in ger way, she was lovable and it was fun watching her explore her world.
Since then, I have been around friend's and neighbor's cats. They are interesting to watch, from a distance, If they get too close, I start sneezing and coughing. They are an odd mix. They love exploring and are very curious. Yet, they seem terribly upset when anything is not where they expect it to be. A neighbor's cat, who spent a lot of time outdoors, was shocked when, after a hurricane, the woods and field were re-arranged. For days, she puzzled over the change. Or, I think that was what she was upset over. Who knows what cats think,except, perhaps, wizards and sorcerers.
I like cats, although not as mich as dogs. But, there is a problem. There are a lot, a whole lot of, stray cats. They carry disease. They root around in garbage cans and the mess ends up scattered all over. And, worse of all, they feed on small wild creatures, including small, mammals that people like and lovely song birds that we all love. In some regions, they make a large, negative impact on the environment. In some parts of the Country, they are shot on sight. Sad, vyr necessary.
So do your feline friends a favor. If they are ever allowed outside, ever, get them neutered. Cats that roam around loose will drift away for days Sometimes they come back, sometimes not, but beyond a doubt. they will breed. The killing of the cute little creatures is not a nice thing to contemplate. So do your part and get them fixed. Then enjoy their curious ways. Blessings and Meow.
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