Just hangin' out here in the middle of nowhere. Got nowhere to go, got nothin' to do. Dr. John. Shoo Fly Goes Marchin' On
That pretty much sums up my day and I intend to enjoy every minute of it. Fires are raging in California. Votes are being recounted in several Sates, leading to the possibility of many lawsuits. The President of France is scolding President Trump, who does not take scolding well, and we are still reeling from 2 mass shootings and a series of mail bombs.
Gere, in N. Georgia, it is cold and rainy and I am going to have to be content with just hanging out. There was a time when I would have been frantic because I can not get out and about.
Now, all is well. I have come to greatly enjoy ;azy days. They give you rime to think things through. Or, on better days, just turn off the logical, problem solving part of the brain and drift along.
Just drifting along for a spell is health. From such rimes springs great creativity. When you run and push, sometimes you are simply banging your head against the wall and need to back off and find away around all of your issues. Have you ever watxhe a good running back head toward the line, see no opening, then stop, back up and go around. Such a move often leads to a big gain. That is why I value lazing around as a strategy.
Of course, you di not want to spend a lot of your time doing that. You want to ease off just long enough to see that opening. Then, run with it.
So, if you are in a place where you can go slow and easy for a little while, relax and enjoy it. When you see the opening, rake off. Even if that opening does not show, you have lost nothing. Just the opposite because you have gained a nice rest and, when realty intrudes and you must crank back up, you will do is with recharged batteries..
Whereever you are and however your day is shaping up, enjoy yourself. Trist me. Life is too short and too scared to spend your days struggling and worrying. Have a Blessed day, one and all. Remember, Thanksgiving is almost here and Christmas is right around the corner.
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