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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Time for the Wierd

I try to stay away from the extremely weird. As Fox Mulder said in a later X Files, I don't do woo woo. But woo woo rears its nasty little head here and there.
It is hard to believe that human trafficking still goes on. It does and is a world wide multi billion dollar business. Some involves sexual slavery, but, terrible as that is, that is not all. Some is for labor, nothing else and that is as old as time.
However, I believe that there is more. By their  own reluctant admission, our intelligence agency experimented with mind control from say 1945 to 1975, about. They say they stopped and, odd;u enough,  I believe them. But, what of private researchers. The benefit is obvious, perfect workers. There is another benefit. Through such experiments, some progress has been made in tapping into the mind's hidden potentials, and that has long been coveted by men. Think that's nonsense? Look up the Stanford Research Institute and remote viewing.  No one knows the potential. The techniques used are horrible. Spiritual teachers use gentle techniques, but they are slower . and we are always in a huge hurry.
Let's get even weirder. Why not? There are a lot of folks who want to cheat death. Sorry. can't be done.but impossibility never stops idiots. Perhaps they just don't want to face their Creator. There are 2 paths toward this. Constant organ transplants, which means a whole lot of donors. Who better than slaves, who can also be used in experiments to improve treatment and transplant techniques Also, some think that frequent injections of young people's blood rejuvenates the old and there is some scientific evidence for this. Great, we're creating a race of vampires. The other path to immortality might be downloading the brain into computers with robot bodies, but anyone counting on this is mad. We do not really have much of a clue how the mind works and no real idea how to make a compatible computer.
Let's get even weirder. Throughout human history, human sacrifice has gone on. It is now rare, but there is a disturbing trend toward neo-paganism afoot in the World and these are precisely the sort of groups that gave birth to such loathsome practices. and. yes, slaves were often the victims.
Now, let us leave the world of woo and return to the real. The Trump administration and, especially Jeff Seeions have been waging a significant war on human trafficking, making arrests and freezing asstets. They will likely never stop this crime, humans can be deplorable, but at least they can slow things down. They are to be praised for their effort.

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