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Friday, April 20, 2018

Our President

President Trump may go down as our Nation's most interesting President. Interesting does not mean good, but it counts for something, I guess. At one  moment, he is as sophisticated as Cary Grant, at another, as crude as a drunken oaf, with apologies to oafs everywhere, He is very bright, but sometimes has the attention span of a two year old, He is caring and compassionate and that is genuine, but he forgets what he said a few minutes earlier. He is both noble and sleazy. Oh well, we all have our faults.
As far as his performance  the results are mixed. No wall, but we now have trips along the border and that is very good, The economy is up and taxes down, Still not great, but better,
Russia is still annoying, but continuing sanctions will keep them in line and the same with N. Korea. Their little Rocket Man seems to have learned that he can bluster, but he cannot act. The Middle East remains a mess, but that is unchanged since the Old Testament days.
On the whole, a good solid performance under ridiculously difficult conditions. A good solid B.
However, Presidents only have so much real power and Trump is pushing the limits. There are forces in this land and elsewhere who have their own agenda, some on the left, some on the right, and some who defy labeling. They have extreme power and they are dangerous and they are definitely not our friends. The President needs to persevere, hold the course, but always watch his back. Is he a great {resident? Only time will tell. but he has sure surprised me. So far, not too bad and I wish him well.


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