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Saturday, April 21, 2018

Support Your Local Anything

We have become a Nation obsessed with Grand Spectacles. Massive concerts, more massive Sports Events. Blockbuster Movies and Huge Broadway Shows. They never, ever live up to the hype and on the rare occasions when they come close, what have you gained? All you have done is get a little thrill at a very high price, sort of like paying for a high priced hooker. A quick rush an empty wallet and it's all over.
Last week, for free, and I am really glad I did not pay a dime, I saw some Country Music award show
Music Award show. The show was awful and the music was worse and I bet the crowd paid a huge sum for tickets. You can hear a whole lot better Country music in in little bars or at folk festivals.
Sports? I have seen sandlot pickup games that were more exciting than a lot of Super Bowls and high school baseball games that beat some World Series games for sheer fun.
Same with food. I have eaten at little BBQ shacks and diners that had food that beat a lot of ultra high price restaurants every time, at a small fraction of the cost. Heck, I cook better than most chefs I known, and I have known a few. Also, for better food, buy whatever you can from local \growers. They are less costly than band names and much tastier and, maybe healthier;
I am not cheap, not by a long shot, but I do not like being cheated. As a rule, with a few exceptions, when people start making huge sums, they stop trying and coast on their reputation.  Stop paying idiotic prices for entertainment and watch those prices drop and the quality rise.

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