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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Syrian Question

Let's look at Syria. First, I trust we all agree that Assad is a despicable monster. Second, chemical weapons are horrible. Agreed? Okay.
Now, monster does not mean stupid. Every time a President wants to  pull out of Syria, we have one of the arracks.  Once is an aberration. Twice is coincidence. The third tine, we have a plot.
Now, chemicals in WW1, were very effective because that war was fought in trenches. Fired into a trench, a  shell released  gas, which settled and lingered. causing horrible suffering. The Syrian war is fought in open air. Gas dissipates  and, unless you are right where the shell hits, you likely will be okay. Scared, but okay. Chemical weapons are awful, but mostly as terror agents. All countries ban the, and all have them.
Now, we bomb chemical factories and claim we have crippled the Syrian chemical warfare program/ We should have learned from the 1st Gulf war that missiles are not as accurate as the military c laims. Do not believe Trump's claim of 100 out of 100 hits. Trust me, we hit civilians, those we claim to be protecting. Already. reports are out from reporters on the ground saying we hit very little  and fired few missiles Second, simple physics shows that if you blow up a gas plant, gas will be released, which sort of defeats the whole point.
The truth? Any person my age should get it because we all, mostly, had to read 1984. In Orwell's classic, Winston Smith is shown  that all the constant wars are meaningless, fought over a few feet of useless ground and fueled by lying propaganda.  The reasom? To keep the masses under control. The ultimate goal? None. Just for the sake of power.
Take a hard honest look at the World and that is what you see. A bunch of sick, criminally insane monsters fighting for power..
This is madness and must stop. The first step in solving a problem is recognizing it. Take a hard, hard look. Tomorrow, ISIS, who we definitely have not defeated..

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