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Thursday, April 19, 2018

ISIS and the Myth of the Hydra

We never learn. Everyone makes mistakes, bit to make the same one time and again is lunacy.
First, a bit of history. I have written of this before but it bears repeating. During WW2 a group called The Muslim Brotherhood formed. They were big Hitler fans and when Adolph lost, some Nazis, trying to save themselves put the CIA in touch with the Brotherhood and they went to work for us. They eventually morphed into Al Qaida, then into ISIS. This is all well documented history. Somewhere, things went very wrong and we found ourselves in a total mess.
Like Dr. Frankenstein, we had created a monster and had no idea how to stop its murderous rampage. Finally, ISIS settled into the vacuum of Iraq and spread to the nightmare of Syria. We followed, despite the fact that we had left Iraq in shambles and Syria was in a nasty civik war. Now we should have known from our Vietnam debacle that intervening in civil wars is a bad idea doomed to faikure. But off we went and we drive out ISIS. All well and good and quite an accomplishment,  but, contrary ti our President's statements, we have not crippled them.
In the Greek myth of the Hydta, Hercules is confronted with a many headed monster, the Hydra. Cut off one head, up pops another. Hercules found a solution, but here in the Modern world, alas, we have no such hero.
The solution to our monster is not a good one and one that Americans will and should bristle against. Stay away from them. let other nations fight  their own battles/ When faced with American groups inspired by ISIS up, use extreme force. Destroy them in our own home, like stomping on a swarm if cockroaches. Hercules killed the Hydra by using a scythe to take off all its heads with 1 strike. If all the World could act against ISIS at the same time, they would be gone, but that is not likely so  we mist act alone , in our own land, to protect Americans and the rest of the World will do what they do. 
Next, Donald Trunp

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