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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Happy Sunday

It  has been a strange week and there has been too much serious, so it is time to celebrate Sunday. I don't know how many people now work Sundays, many I guess. That is a shame.
When I was younger, many years ago, few worked on Sunday because most businesses, even grocery stores were closed. Even gas stations took the day off, and it was great. Of course, many did so for religious reasons, bur not all. Folks just realized that they needed a day to relax and be human. There were the big Sunday dinners. games with the kids, games on TV, time to read the big Sunday paper or favorite books. There were walks in gardens and picnics in parks, visits to relatives and time to relax and talk to loved ones.
Now, it is go, go, go, all the time. Work, 7 days a week. We have lost so much. It is a shame, but I have a solution. Bring back Sundays. If you have today off, count your blessings

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