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Thursday, April 26, 2018

1984 Revisited

I may seem a tad obsessed with George Orwell's classic novel. but with good reason. I seldom like to urge any sort of mass action, but I believe that anyone in America over age 14 should read this book, If you have read it, reread it. If you hate reading, watch the fine movie version starring Richard Burton and John Hurt.
The story is of a dystopian society. The State requires complete submission. Why? Simply because the leaders want total power. It is that simple. They 'rehabilitate' any who try to dissent by horrible physical and mental torture. Trust me, there are some on this ;and every land who are this [pwer mad., and such extremes are used all over the World. In America, not as much, but some.
Aldous Huxley thought the control would be mire subtle, using drugs and genetic engineering. Wekk the drug oath, while tried, was not workable. Drugs are just too unpredictable, WE seem to be worjubg in the genetic path but we still have not really worked that out.
Personally, I think that the power mad have found a workable path through the entertainment industry, which, when combined with our high technology, is producing mindless and mind numbing  entertainment. Mix in ultra violence and pornographic titillation and  add in mind altering electronics and it's a wonder anyone can still think.

And that, after all, is just what the State in Orwell's novel were after. Remember, if the current entertainment/fascism does not work, there is still sheer brutality. Read the book or see the film and you will know what I mean when I sat '2+2=5'

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