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Monday, April 16, 2018

I'm Back

After a spell of poor health, worse vision and a change of residence, I'm back, and no more nonsense. The truth, plain and unvarnished is all you will find here.\
First a word about my former home, Brunswick, Ga. This odd little place is in the 'low country' along the Atlantic coast. It is a pretty place, in a harsh sort of way/ However, its only reason to exist is to  feed labor to the rich folks on the nearby island. All well and good, but they pay sorry, low wages. and things are even worse in the city of Brunswick. Add in the rather taciturn nature of the low country people and you get a distinctly unpleasant vibe. The general atmosphere is hostile uncaring and willfully ignorant/ Customer service is nearly unseen and mostly ill tempered. In short, it is a nasty place to live and I am so glad to be back in the civilized world of North Georgia/
I have gone on about my ex=home because the attitude there is all too common in the USA these days. Stupidity, ignorance, poor judgment and a complete lack if vision rule the land these days and I will be back tomorrow and the day after and every day that I can to start telling the truth about how sorry, how inane and how viciously stupid this once great Nation has become. Trust me folks, this Country was not always this way, and we best figure out what is wrong. Tomorrow, Syria. I will ask the question, how does it punish Assad when our bombings are just killing more civilians who he wants dead anyway, because all of these  missile strikes are just killing even more non combatants, including, yes, kids. In addition, what is the point of bombing a country that has already been reduced to rubble. But, that is for tomorrow. Ah, yes, it  is good to be back.

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