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Saturday, September 3, 2016

America and the Powers That Be, Our Version

How America and the PTB link is truly weird. A sociologist, Caroll Quigley, a mentor of Bill Clinton, wrote that America divides into the Yankees and the Cowboys. This is way too simple, but useful. The Yankees are what was once known as the Eastern Establishment, folks like the Rockefellers, John and Allen Douglas, Henry Kissinger, and a host of others. These folks have a deep fondness for, and deep links to Europe, especially England and the Vatican. Many were members of the Sovereign Knights of Malta, especially those with intelligence ties. They tend to be a bit on the liberal side and some are out and out Fabian Socialists.

Some also tie to non-British royalty. The Shikshinny Knights have some sort of strange tie to the Russian immigrant community, the White Russians, deposed royalty. They also have been, at times, big in the intelligence community.

Many of these folks are tied to the Ivy League Schools and a good many are members of the silly, yet overly powerful Skull and Bones society and many, are, yes Freemasons (although how that ties in, other than as a social club is a shadowy area I'm not even going to attempt to cover; you could waste a lifetime on that and never touch bottom). These folks are rich, powerful, and ruthless. They have surprisingly deep ties to Organized Crime, using them to do their dirty work (remember, the CIA has long partnered with the Mafia on shared interests).

The Yankees, however they first got rich, are basically financiers, bankers, money manipulators. They are 'Old Money.'

The cowboys are 'New Money,' having made their wealth from oil, mining, cattle, and land development, and defense industries.  They are definitely, in  no way shape or form, socialist or liberal. The Yankees want One World Government, with them at the top along with European and Asian rich folks, and to some degree the Church. The Cowboys want One World ruled by the USA, with themselves as leaders. The Yankees rather like small wars that keep things upset, thinking that this allows them to slowly gain control. The Cowboys would love to see WW3, with them winding up on top.

The Protestant members of the PTB have some religious ties. Consider a group which calls itself 'The Family.' They are a pseudo-Christian group, who readily admit that they will do most anything to bring about what they call a Christian world. What they believe is decidedly un-Christian. They believe that they are rich because God ordained that and that, as such, they are meant to rule the World. They loathe Democracy and are the deeply fascist (so are the Yankees, although they are a bit more subtle). Ms. Clinton is a frequenter of their meetings, so remember that when you vote. Also, next time you see news about the National Prayer Breakfast, remember that it is brought to you courtesy of The Family. How can Clinton tie to this group and be a Progressive (Fabian Socialist)? Remember, fascism is a kind of socialism.

What of the mega Corporations. They tie to everyone, at least for now, They have not quite reached the point where they can make a big power play and try to shut the others out. Almost, but not quite.

All of these folks, on all sides do have something in common. They can always use money, preferably money that cannot be traced and as such, they have no compunctions about working with very big time drug dealers and arms traders. And, another thing they have in common is an unnatural, pathological urge to control.

Confused? Good for you. If you understood all  of this, I would be concerned for your sanity. These people and organizations are deeply, deeply disturbed. Why? Who knows? Sometimes, something just goes wrong with human beings and, unfortunately, it does not make them any less clever. Actually, it seems to help them in their pursuit of riches and power.

As I said, the Yankee/Cowboy division is woefully simple minded and my post has not been an attempt to put all of the ducks in a row. These groups may, ultimately, despise each other, but, when their interest overlap, they can and do cooperate, very effectively. Sort of. There in lies our great hope. And, there is another ray of hope. People are people and a man's offspring may not give a damn about all of his grand plans. That is the subject of my next post, the last in this series.

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