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Monday, September 26, 2016

America and The Big Debate

Tonight we have the big debate. Clinton vs Trump; best two out of three falls in a steel cage. No, wait. That's pro wrestling. Well, honestly, what's the difference? This is a spectacle. Nothing more.

For 90 minutes, these two will be at each others' throats. Debates, by definition, are reasoned, respectful arguments about important matters. When done properly, they are serious, sober and usually dull as dishwater. We will not be seeing a debate this evening.

What we will see tonight is a blood sport. The moderator might as well throw chunks of raw meat at the two and let them scramble for the treats. The American people, no matter what they say, are turning in to see a fight, a spectacle with all the gravitas of a big time prize fight.

The media is worse. If these two came out and had a proper debate, they would be appalled. They know that if there are no fireworks in the first ten minutes, the public will be frantically reaching for the remotes and switching to Monday Night Football.

This whole thing is a farce. No wait, a farce is a high comedy. This will be about as sophisticated as the Three Stooges. The only question is how low will they go?

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