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Friday, September 30, 2016

America - Relax

I normally use this blog to rant and rave about the serious issues plaguing America. Lord knows, there are plenty/ The economy is downright weird, a mix of record high stocks and tremendous underemployment. The education system is a mess, with kids graduating yet unable to find their own state on a map, read at anymore than a sixth grade level, or write a coherent sentence.

We have troops all over the World, fighting wars that seem like they are now permanent. We have been in Afghanistan longer than we were in Vietnam. Iraq is a disaster and, Syria is being reduced to rubble. The tensions between the US and Russia are at the highest level since the Cold War ended and that fat little lunatic in North Korea is merrily testing nukes and missiles.

The Presidential campaign is stumbling toward an end. It is clear that most Americans, no matter who they plan on voting, for are disgusted with both candidates. Trump is promising to cut taxes while spending incredible amounts to stimulate jobs. That is completely impossible. Hillary is promising free college to everyone, an equally ridiculous proposal. All either will do is run up the debt, which will lead to the Fed running more money, which will just send inflation through the roof.

The answer? Take the weekend off and relax. All of these problems will be there on Monday morning. Put your worries aside for the weekend. The Ryder Cup is being played, baseball is winding down its season and there is plenty of college and pro football to watch. If there is nice weather where you live, get out and do something. Remember, winter is coming, so enjoy the last of the warm skies.

Read a book, watch a movie, take a nap, go out with friends and family. Do something you enjoy. Have some fun. The troubles will still be there on Monday morning, so get some rest and have spme fun.

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