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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

American Insanity

Hi there, friends and neighbors, and let me welcome you to the show that never ends, America in this weird year of madness. I have been around a long time and been through a lot of extreme weirdness, but nothing like this.

We recently had a guy in NY and NJ who seemed determined to show his anger at America by blowing up dumpsters. The man's own father had told the FBI that his son was a radicalized lunatic and they had decided that he wasn't. Turns out Papa was right which makes me ask, 'Why are we paying all those over trained and highly paid profilers?' The shootout scenario that led to his capture makes no sense, but we have seen that before. To this day, no one has explained the equally bizarre San Bernardino shootout, but, I guess we are supposed to just sit back and believe everything we're told, so. okay, let's move on.

We have a guy shot in Tulsa and are told that he had his hands up. If that were so, this would be a heinous police shooting. However, video shows that while he did have his hands up, he kept walking toward his car and started to reach into that car for something. By the time I was 10, I would have known better. But, still we have protests of racist police brutality. Let everyone investigate and find out just what happened before spouting off, like Hillary did.

Then we have a cop shooting someone in North Carolina and citizens are doing the usual thing, They are protesting something that they know no details about by throwing rocks at cops, setting fires in the street and looting Walmart. I am fairly sure the Walmart manager did not shoot the guy, so why loot Walmart. Again, let investigations proceed. I know that police sometimes act badly, but get the facts before you act like idiots.

In politics, The GOP elephant, as represented by The Donald, is trumpeting and the Democratic donkey, that would be Hillary, is braying and I am beginning to wax Shakespearean when thinking a pox on both their houses. It is really a question of who is less disgusting. I will vote Trump for 2 reasons. 1. I loathe the Clintons and 2. Trump seems to be surrounding himself with some bright, sane people and I am sure that they, not he, will really be running things. However, we must get through the debates. Debates should be reasonable, rational discourses by competent people representing opposing sides of an argument. A Fox News commentator slipped yesterday and said. 'this ought to be quite a spectacle.' That's all this will be a show, where everyone sits around and hopes the 2 start screaming insults at each other. The debate is on TV opposite Monday Night Football  and may well be a better show. It might even get better ratings. But it will not advance our political dialogue or help voters reach a better informed decision, which is supposedly its purpose. Maybe we are about to admit that we, as a Nation, just want a good show.

Ah well, I have to go and I leave you with the words of PT Barnum. "No one has ever gone broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American public." I'll even throw in these words from Bob Dylan's song, Idiot Wind. "We're all idiots. It's a wonder we can even feed ourselves." Bye for now. Have fun watching Trump and Clinton hurl abuse at each other.

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